
2008-01-07 6:59 pm
我想問下係"Employment Contract for A Domestic Helper recruited from abroad" Section 14, 寫住:
"In the event of the death of the helper, the employer shall pay the cost of transporting the helper's remains and personal property from Hong Kong to his/her* place of origin"

1. "In the event of the death of the helper" 會係代表咩? 係咪無論佢死於咩理由(包括自殺), 個雇主都要負責運佢返去?

唔該!~Thank You very Much~

呢份Contract, 其實係有咩香港法例可以Refer to? 佢係咪跟據 Employee's Compensation Ordinances- Chapter 282 and Employment Ordinance定出咖?

回答 (1)

2008-01-07 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
無錯. 條Clause寫明佢死咗, 僱主要負責運佢同佢個人財物返去. 但並無規限佢死於乜野情況, 所以無論佢死於意外, 自殺, 疾病等, 僱主都要負責運佢返去.

2008-01-07 21:05:47 補充:
可以咁講. Employee's Compensation Ordinance 指明僱員自我傷殘以致受傷或死亡, 僱主係唔需要賠償的. 但因政府 / 僱傭中介公司唔想外傭客死異鄉無人葬, 所以加咗呢條clause. 僱主簽咗, 就waive咗法定賠償規則.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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