
2008-01-07 6:53 pm
點解M-Benz 有S65 AMG, Audi 有S8, 咁BMW 冇M7 ge?????
承上題, 點解Audi 唔整更強ge RS8 呢?????A4, A6 有S 同RS, A8 得S???

多謝師兄........但係「有幾多人會攞架7系去劈彎同想揸棍波?」 咁點解又有人揸架S65 AMG 同S8 去劈呢????


師兄, 「至於S65 AMG, DaimlerBenz不嬲都係一間較自大嘅公司. 佢地深信, 只要架車有個三角星, 唔理架車入面有咩, 佢地話係top model嘅, 就會有一班庸俗嘅暴發戶去買番嚟炫耀一番. 呢個係我較欣賞寶馬同Audi對造車嘅堅持嘅原因.」 Personal opinion?????

回答 (2)

2008-01-07 7:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
上面嗰個真係九唔搭八. 人地問嘅係房車形號, 你就貼D跑車相出嚟, 想呃分乎?
要架車直路跑得快, 放個大cc引擎, 加turbo或supercharger, 輕而易舉. 但要一架大嘅車跑得快得嚟又要做到操控一流, 就談何容易了
寶馬要求所有M model都要有上佳操控同埋要唔係自動波 (SMG係電子clutch棍波, 技術上都唔係自動波得晒). 有幾多人會攞架7系去劈彎同想揸棍波?
Audi理由同上面差不多, 而且再出RS8的話就會令A8 W12 6.0嘅身份較尷尬 -- 雖然有傳Audi有prototype放咗RS6嘅 Twin turbo V10引擎落去試驗
至於S65 AMG, DaimlerBenz不嬲都係一間較自大嘅公司. 佢地深信, 只要架車有個三角星, 唔理架車入面有咩, 佢地話係top model嘅, 就會有一班庸俗嘅暴發戶去買番嚟炫耀一番. 呢個係我較欣賞寶馬同Audi對造車嘅堅持嘅原因.

2008-01-07 20:57:40 補充:
Did you read the question at all? He's asking for a 高性能房車! M6 or 6-Series and RS8 are not 房車.Oh ya, THANK YOU for posting the spec, but they are irrelevant. And should I be scared because you know how to curse? Let me check... NO!

2008-01-07 21:52:54 補充:
Again, the title is about 房車, 4-door. Plus the question is why there's no M-version for 7-series, and no RS version for the A8. The 6-series and the R8 are totally different model line from the aforementioned luxury full-size sedan. You completely misinterpreted the question.

2008-01-07 22:24:59 補充:
FYI, RS emblem is designated for the highest-performance version of an existing model range, above the S-model, i.e., the old RS2, RS4, and RS6. They used to be avant models only, but was changed when Audi decided to export the RS6 sedan to the U.S.

2008-01-07 22:25:32 補充:
because stationwagon or hatchback just doesn't sell well in the U.S.R8, on the other hand, is a completely separate model range.

2008-01-08 11:06:17 補充:
有人買, 唔代表真係攞去劈, 大馬力亦唔代表架車好彎. 寶馬就係因為咁而唔出M7

2008-01-09 02:50:21 補充:
Personal opinion from observation. Look at the sales figures and you will find out developing countries are more into the AMG models. Also, look at how Daimler Benz handle the Chrysler "merge".

2008-01-11 00:27:35 補充:
再講, 7系嘅旗艦形號為V12嘅760Li, 如果出M7, 個market demand唔大, 仲出多部車去自己同自己搶客, 唔make business senseBenz唔同, demand比7系高, 而且S65 V12同S63 6.2 V8引擎喺其他形號都用到, 開發成本較低, 但profit margin就相對較高, 所以佢地可以出兩個AMG models.
2008-01-17 6:44 pm

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