for all those over 30yo Do you think the young of today are Arrogant?

2008-01-06 7:36 pm

yes I know it is a generalisation, being a grandparent, I also know it is to be blamed on their parents if true. And the bar was set at 30yo because if you have kids they will be (likely) under 16 and therefore the age I am asking about, and if your children are (excessively) arrogant, then you are the one to blame!

回答 (17)

2008-01-06 7:43 pm
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I'll be 35 this year..

DEBORAH M pretty much said it, you don't have to be of a certain age..

I'm more impressed with nice people anyway to be honest.. rest I have no time for.

things are different now for kids also, look how much we knew at that age? 14 year olds now probably knew more than I did at 19 or something.

it's a pity in a way, kids grow up way to quick. So am I glad I was born in the 70's .. now I do think so..

kids / adults of any age can be idiots.. but the mentality of the world has changed to materialism and "what's in it for me" culture.

if kids have a good grounding then that's always helpful..

the difference between me and them at that age..

I knew all about consequences and feared them.. now a lot of kids just don't care and have no fear..

ironically it's a lot of 30 something's that were irresponsible in the first place which have caused these problems, being s*** role models etc. and treating their kids as "friends" and NOT parents..
2008-01-06 8:14 pm
yes, but you cannot blame them really as they are living in the days of equality and not morality. We are living in a society where the children are being dragged up in a lot of areas as opposed to them being nurtured in a loving family relationship, ie. drink and drugs, high levels of unemployment and job schemes, no real future for some, hollywood role models(most of them irresponsible themselves... binge drinkers or drug addicts, rarely married in and out of different relationships), etc, etc... hand bag snatchers, house breakers, violence on the increase... the prisons are full and fuller... the government dumb and dumber!! The bigger picture is not looking good, unless this generation takes a turn for the better and begins to consider others and the effects that their actions can have short and long term then the next generation will be far worse, it is time to start considering our neighbour again, selfishness is to blame for a lot of the trouble of today... we all have our part to play, however the Bible does say, in the last days "the love of many shall wax cold", this is what we are experiencing today I believe and it will only get worse.
2008-01-06 7:40 pm
Yes, but I am a grumpy old tart so not a surprise really!
2008-01-06 7:40 pm
Probably a bit of a generalisation. The young know everything. The old have done everything.
2008-01-06 7:40 pm
i think people of any age can be arrogant
2008-01-06 7:39 pm
Well I am in my thirties and I can be arrogant lol and I don't think I am old yet so really did you mean youths? I think that all ages can be arrogant.
2008-01-06 7:39 pm
yes but our peers thought the same of us when we were young
2008-01-07 10:08 am
he he, i am sure when u were younger the elderly ones thot u were arrogant too...
its just the way things r scram... changing fads and all...
arrogant may not be the word, i would just say maybe they r ... different...!
'cept that i am not over 30, so wot do i know? wink wink...
2008-01-06 9:29 pm
I am under 30 and I think generally young people are arrogant.
2008-01-06 9:15 pm
I think they are more mouthy that my generation were.

and they lack basic manners in a lot of cases, but this fault comes from their parents generation.
2008-01-06 9:14 pm
Yes very! But anybody can be arrogant at any age. But considering their age I think they try to be much older than they really are because they think it makes them look tough in front of their friends. Some of the language they come out with is atrocious! I would say most of it stems from their parents as it's your parents who give you your values and upbringing so I have to say it is the parents that are to blame for most of it. I am sorry to say that. But they are the ones with the authority over their kids and who they associate with and what they do. Just a few weeks ago I had to go out past 1am and their was a group of kids hanging around the bottom of the street. They must've only been about 10! Shocking! My daughter will never be aloud to do it.
參考: My personal observations of what goes on about me.
2008-01-06 7:45 pm
not much worse than us at that age, maybe a little worse but, just a little.. and thats cause of the tards that raise them (all your buddies that had kids at 18-19).. and adults are all getting to 'Oprah' with their age and forgetting they were once kids..
2008-01-06 7:45 pm
Not really, I just see them as disconnected from youth of the past and from the past in general. This is to say that they tend to consider themselves unique in their point of growth and have no clue that this "drama" has been played out throught the annals of time.
2008-01-06 7:42 pm
Arrogant... yes, but I think the bigger issue is the sense of entitlement for U.S. young adults -- many feel that they are somehow "owed" something. I tie it to the consumerism of America, and the fact that they really haven't had to live through a major hardship as a generation. Compared to my father's generation.... this generiation is, in general, living in luxury and abundance...
2008-01-06 7:41 pm
I am 14 yrs old.
Yes, I think many of the young today are arrogant.
But some of them aren't.
2008-01-06 7:40 pm
Not at all. But I do think some of them are illiterate chavs.
2008-01-06 7:39 pm
I'm 54, and I doubt if there's anyone under 30 as arrogant as me! Pipsqueaks....

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