Do you hate being a woman?

2008-01-06 3:24 pm

I just hate myself.

回答 (44)

2008-01-06 3:28 pm
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no. do you?
'I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships.'
Gilda Radner
2008-01-06 3:29 pm
I love being a woman but sometimes it gets really tough!
2008-01-06 3:28 pm
Hell no. What kind of a question is that? I love myself and everything about what defines me. There are obstacles for women to overcome, but there are obstacles for men to overcome to. You are what you are and people should learn to accept that. Life is not fair for anyone. So adapt and make the best of it.
2008-01-07 1:35 pm
i dont know but i hate being a man too i want to be a woman haha
2008-01-06 3:38 pm
Are you kidding? We have the power of life Hun. What more could there be? I have totally mastered being a accomplished woman & have total controll of my life.This makes my famaily/friends happy.I'm happy and very comfortable with being a woman... Rember... don't mess with Mother Nature!
2008-01-06 3:32 pm
Hell no, I think it's great!!

I've spent my working life, working twice as hard to get half the recognition as a man in the same job (I'm not bitter...NOT!) but I am very proud of the work I've done and what I have accomplised. I've learned alot and I am now recognzed in my little world as someone that knows what she's talking about and some you can go to and count on!!

I am also considered on tough b*tch at work and I like that. If I was a guy I would probably be "a real go-getter" so I take "b*tch" as a compliment. I'm tough but fair and I don't stand around and take alot of crap or alot od stupidity.......I have neiher the time nore the patience for it.
2008-01-06 3:32 pm
sometimes i do. men assume we have a certain role in life. when they need something they always assume we have it. a bandaid, asprin, tweezers, nail clippers, etc. were expected to know how to clean, cook, and do laundry. were suppose to remember everything and keep our schedules in order. were suppose to know everything about cloths, jewelry, make up etc. anytime theres a problem were suppose to fix it. and every women is suppose to work certain jobs, want families, get married and the works which isnt always true. and the double standard that if we sleep around were whores and if guys do it then its ok and makes them look cool.
2008-01-06 3:29 pm
Sometimes when your hair gets on your nerves and if u were alad u could shave it off and when there is a really grimy you have to cope with it but if your a lad you can just stand up !
2008-01-06 3:27 pm
2008-01-06 3:27 pm
No, I like being a woman.

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