should I be a pediatric nurse or a model?

2008-01-06 8:29 am
I always wanted to be a model but my mom talked me about being a nurse. I've told her that I will become a nurse but I still like modeling. I'm hard of hearing and I think modeling will be easier for me because It doesn't requires to talk or hear, you just pose for the pictures. Nurse could hard for me because sometimes I can't hear and I speak french (not good with english). I want to know what it takes to be a model and how long I have to study modeling or something like that. I'd like to live in europe someday but I'm african. I wonder if there is african models there. tell me more about nurse if you have info. I'm only 17 yrs old so I still have choice to make. Thanks!

回答 (10)

2008-01-06 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
go to school for nursing but model on the side while you still can. It's probably less than 1% of models that make it past age 25 and still make awesome livings off of modeling alone, whereas nurses can make decent livings for years and years.
2008-01-06 8:48 am
A nurse would be your best choice...If you wanted to model you should have started a long time ago...It will be harder for you now.
2008-01-06 8:45 am
The modeling industry is VERY cruel and requires far more than just posing for pictures. Modeling school for the most part is a scam and very expensive (like bartending school! haha)

Just because your mother wants you to become a nurse does not mean you have to. Although, if you were a nurse, the hospital would cover any expenses to correct your hearing!

And if you do pursue modeling, always have a back-up plan in case that falls through. But always do what makes you happy.
2008-01-06 8:35 am
yes you can be a model, but models do have to listen. dont you watch americas next top model on tv? dont you know tyra banks started out in europe? you can surely go to europe! its a nice place to get into the modeling industry.
2008-01-06 11:30 pm
Well models you DO have to listen because you have to listen to what they say like *dont look so tense* or sumthing and a nurse is pretty fun you could be a model nurse Model does pay nice money but if you are pretty go for it girl cuz if you think you are ready for anything do for it Hope I helped And Goood Luck
2008-01-06 8:33 am
Why dont you model as a nurse?
2008-01-06 8:33 am
Be a nurse. It pays better and doesn't maneuver on chance.
2016-10-03 11:21 pm
in case you took the premed training in college alongside with your nursing important, you are able to take the MCATs and prepare to scientific college - that's 4 years of med college and 3+ of residency. in case you probably did no longer take premed in college, you're able to do a placed up-bacc application in premed and then prepare to med college - so as that's extra like 9 years finished. There are no shortcuts for nurses.
2008-01-08 2:45 am
17 years old is old for a fashion model to be starting. How tall are you?
And modeling doesn't last long. You have to have a backup. Go to nursing school.
2008-01-06 8:34 am
it depends how good looking you are

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