What was the original ending of Jane Austen's Persuasion?

2008-01-06 8:15 am
It says that Jane Austen was not satisfied with the original ending of her novel Persuasion and had modified it.
so what was the original ending?

回答 (2)

2008-01-06 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
"We know that on July 8, 1816, Jane Austen began what she called Chapter 10 of the second volume of Persuasion. On the last page of Chapter 11 she wrote "Finish July 18 1816". According to her nephew's account "She thought [the ending] tame and flat", and some days later re-wrote the final chapters.

The cancelled chapters are the only manuscript from any of the six novels that we have in original form -- crossings-out, emendations and all. The fragment is now in the British Museum."
參考: http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/pcanchap.html (that site also contains some paragraphs of the original chapters)
2008-01-06 4:33 pm
I don't know what the source is that you are referring to when you say "It says"...
So I cant's really check on your source. However Wiki has a long entry about Jane Austen, with several "External Links" at which to find out even more--
So I would go to the following link, put in Jane Austen's name, and read.
Oh, and if that doesn't answer your question, try asking a reference librarian; they are trained to follow a question to a concrete source.

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