English - Explaination of an grammar error.

2008-01-07 5:50 am
Dear writing experts,

I have an error in my progress test, could you explain why teacher marked I am wrong.


I am sorry to hear that you were not allowed to entry to our gala dinner.


I am sorry to hear that you were not allowed entry to our gala dinner.

Why I am wrong and lost mark in this sentence.

Thanks for your advice.

回答 (3)

2008-01-09 5:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
to entry當然錯,entry卻是對;你的阿Sir講得一點不錯。但他卻沒有說:用to enter都同樣得。
現在談談文法,allow是一個及物動詞(transitive verb),所以無須用前置詞(Preposition)帶出名詞,如:She allowed us to smoke.
I am sorry to hear that you were not allowed to entry to our gala dinner.

allow可以跟to不定詞(to-infinitive),如:you are not allowed to talking during examination.(考試期間,不準談話)
allow也可以跟動名詞(gerund),如:We do not allow smoking in the hall.(我們不准有人在大廰內吸煙)
He did not allow us enough time to finish the test.(他沒有給我們足夠時間去完成測驗);其中enough time就是直接受詞(direct object),而us就是間接受詞(indirect object)。
I am sorry to hear that you were not allowed entry to our gala dinner

2008-01-09 09:27:44 補充:
補充:enter可以用做及物動詞,可直接帶出所到的地方。所以通常說:We enter the classroom,而不說We enter to the classroom.

2008-01-09 09:31:50 補充:
對不起,有少許typing mistake”you are not allowed to talking during examination.”(考試期間,不準談話)是”you are not allowed to talk during examination”

2008-01-09 12:40:30 補充:
對唔住!有漏了字,第一句是:to entry當然錯,entry to卻是對;你的阿Sir講得一點不錯。但他卻沒有說:用to enter都同樣得。
2008-01-07 6:15 am
entry 是名词, 不能在 you were not allowed 后面,要用动词,行为之类的,动词enter就可以, 但用 enter 就要用 to enter。

通常不允许做什么什么是这样的:not allowed to 'do something something' ok.

还有, 如果要用 enter 进入, 就要进入一个地方。在英文中,gala diner 是一个宴会,事件,不是一个地方。中文可以这样用,但英文就不可以了。


1) I am sorry to hear that you were not allowed to join our gala dinner 或者是

2) I am sorry to hear that you were not allowed to enter into our gala dinner hall.
2008-01-07 6:00 am
to enter (verb)
I am sorry to hear that you were not allowed to enter ....
entry (noun)
I think now you understand.

2008-01-07 22:39:07 補充:
[you were not allowed entry to our gala dinner]The original sentence is in passive voice. If it is in active voice, then:Someone did not allow you entry to our gala dinner.

2008-01-07 22:39:24 補充:
[entry] in this case is the [object] of [allow], so it must be a [noun], and at the same time, allow you to [where] = [our gala dinner].

2008-01-09 12:43:21 補充:
To: hahatsetotally agree with your answer. good job!
參考: my knowledge

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