
2008-01-07 5:29 am
This cartoon character has oval face,four ears,two ear like the rabbit ears,two money eye,a big noes like magnet and has mouth.It has small body,big face.INthe body he has lucky bag and big wings.The cartoon character can use the lucky bag and big wings tohelp people and send the money to help poor people.

回答 (8)

2008-01-07 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一行~~~ two ear 應改為 "two ears" rabbit 應改為 "rabbit's"
個人意見~~~最好為 "a pair of ears like the rabbit's"

"two money eye"
money 不是一個形容詞哦...
而且 eye 應為 "eyes"

noes 串錯字
應為 nose
"has mouth" 的 has可以省略 改為 "a"

big face在此省略
要不一開始改成"This cartoon character has a big and oval face..."

in the body可省略
"a" lucky bag
big wings 前加上 "a pair of"

最後一句的big wings 前加上the
people 改成"the others"會好點吧

參考: 自己
2008-01-07 4:16 pm
This cartoon character has AN oval face with four ears, two of them resembles the rabbit's, two money eyes, a big nose which looks like a magnet with a mouth. It has a small body but a big face. It's body has a lucky bag with big wings. This cartoon character can use the lucky bag and big wings to help the poor by giving them money.
參考: myself
2008-01-07 6:47 am
I use CAPITAL letters to highlight changes and mistakes ok.

This cartoon character has AN oval face, four ears WITH two like a rabbit's, two monKey eyes, a big nose like A PIECE OF magnet and A mouth.

It has A small body BUT A big face. HE has a lucky bag and SOME big wings ON THE BODY. It can use the lucky bag and big wings to help people and send money to help THE poor ONES.
2008-01-07 6:11 am
原:This cartoon character has oval face,four ears,two ear like the rabbit ears,two money eye,a big noes like magnet and has mouth.It has small body,big face.INthe body he has lucky bag and big wings.The cartoon character can use the lucky bag and big wings tohelp people and send the money to help poor people.

改後:This cartoon character has oval face,four ears,two [ears] like the rabbit ears,two [monkey] [eyes],a big [nose] like magnet and has [a] mouth.It has [a] small body,[but] [has] [a] big face.[He has a lucky bag and big wings on the body].[The cartoon character, who use the lucky bag and [[the]] big wings, send the money to help poor people.]


1.[ears]原來的是ear, 但你寫左two ear,應在ear 後加s
3.[eyes]原來的是eye,但你寫左two eye,應在eye 後加s
8..[He has a lucky bag and big wings on the body.]原來的是INthe body he has lucky bag and big wings.沒有INthe這個字。整句太中文英語,我知你想講[在身體上他有幸運袋和巨大的翼],但英文不能以中釋英,應將on the body放在後面。
9.[The cartoon character, who use the lucky bag and [[the]] big wings, send the money to help poor people.]你原來的句子唔通順,用左太多and,令人睇唔明,我這句同樣也能表達同意思,但通順好多。請注意我這句有兩個豆號,這是必須的,不能缺少!

參考: me
2008-01-07 5:48 am
參考: word
2008-01-07 5:41 am
This cartoon character has a oval face and four ears.Two ears like the rabbit's ears,two money eyes,a big nose likes a magnet and has a mouth.It has a small body,a big face.Inside the body there are a lucky bag and a pair of big wings.The cartoon character can use the lucky bag and the big wings to help people and send the money to help poor people.

PROOF READ左一次...應該ok...
參考: me
2008-01-07 5:38 am
This cartoon character has oval face,four ears,two ears like the rabbit ears,two money eyes,a big nose like magnet and has mouth.It has small body,big face.In the body he has lucky bag and big wings.The cartoon character can use the lucky bag and big wings to help people and send the money to help poor people.

參考: 自已
2008-01-07 5:36 am
ok la

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