Chem Detergents

2008-01-07 4:43 am
1.All soapy detergents are biodegradable?

2.All straight chain detergents are biodegradable?

Please help to answer the above questions.

Thankyou !

PS: With reference to the following CE PP:

ANS: (crtl+A)

43. B
44. D

回答 (1)

2008-01-07 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.All soapy detergents are biodegradable?
it should be biodegradable~as it made form animal fat~the microorganism can breakdown soapy detergents.

2.All straight chain detergents are biodegradable?
According to my chem bk, it says straight chain detergents are biodegradable.

3.All branched chain detergents are biodegradable?
No, all branched chain detergents are non-biodegradable according to my chem bk if Q2 is correct

4.All soapy detergents are straight chain?
They should be straight chain~as it made form animal fat.

Chem bk do not provide detail about detergents~ but only CE
what a pity

hope can help you~
參考: myself~

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