請幫手 解答 passive voice

2008-01-07 4:38 am
一名九十歲老婦被一名男士發現墮海. 請用 被動式

有兩個動詞, 發現 , 墮. 兩個動詞要轉? 一個要轉 ? 請指教吓

find found found fall fell fallen

90 year old woman was found to fall into sea by one man.


回答 (4)

2008-01-07 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
A ninety-year-old woman was found to have fallen into the sea by a man.

一個要轉 [was found =被發現]
to have fallen = 已墮海 ( after [to] use [base form of verb, so need to use [have]
參考: my knowledge
2008-01-07 5:19 am
A 90 years old woman had fallen into sea and was found by a man.
2008-01-07 4:46 am
A 90 years old woman fell to sea was found by a man.

2008-01-06 20:51:29 補充:
Sorry!錯了!應該是 A 90 years old woman was found had fallen to sea by a man.Past Perfect is use to 表示先後。
參考: Myself
2008-01-07 4:42 am
A 90-year-old woman was found fallen in the sea by a man
參考: me

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