Cantonese input

2008-01-07 4:33 am
My friend is an ABC and so do I.We are asked to type Chinese but it's so difficult.Luckly we know how to speak cantonese,so can anyone give us the way of downloading cantonese input to us??(we heard that there are some)

To Issac: It works in normal usage like typing but doesn't work in to solve that??T.T

回答 (1)

2008-01-07 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, do you know how to read Chinese ?

If so, There is a link called

Find under Cantonese Input..

You just follow the prompt and ...

You can type Chinese with Cantonese accent.

If anything that you want to ask, just yell.. I can teach you the way

2008-01-07 22:10:16 補充:
Eh? It works for me both normal usuage and MSN.. Did you click Ctrl Space to ask it to come out? It should able to come out with the programme you just got..
參考: I am using a Cantonese Input

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