chemisty--ionic bond 同covalent bond 問題 10點 help!!

2008-01-07 12:58 am
ionic bond 係 metal同non-metal用transfer
covalent bond 係 non-metal同 non-metal用get close share

咁metal 同metal係點? @@

回答 (1)

2008-01-07 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
ionic bond 有例外
NH4+ ge compound都係ionic bond
咁metal 同metal係點? @@
metal同metal咪metallic bond
因為outermost shell of metallic atom is far away from the nulei and thus are loosely attractd.the metal atom may easy to lose electron from cation,the attractive force betwwwn cations and mobile ions are nn-directional .they present in metal only!!!
參考: chem書

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