
2008-01-07 12:09 am
1. She is good of sewing clothes.
2. The man acrosses this road every day.
3. He is absent for school today.
4. I had a lunch with an old friend of mine yesterday.
5. I born in 1990.
6. The magician madethe rabbit vanished.
7. He put a little cubes of sugar into his coffee.
8. The boy is intelligent and lazy.
9. There are only two ways to the market. Which is the shortest way?
10.All the money in the safe belong to my parents.

回答 (7)

2008-01-07 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. She is good at sewing clothes.
2. The man crosses this road every day.
3. He is absent for school today.
4. I had a lunch with my old friend yesterday.
5. I was born in 1990.
6. The magician made the rabbit vanished.
7. He put a fewer cubes of sugar into his coffee.
8. The boy is intelligent but lazy.
9. There are two ways to the market. Which is the shortest one?
10.All the money in the safe is belonged to my parents.

2008-01-06 16:20:59 補充:
It should be:3. He is absent from school today.7. He put a few cubes of sugar into his coffee.
2008-01-07 12:38 am
She is good (at) sewing clothes.( good of 後要跟人物,good at解擅長)
2. The man (crosses) this road every day.(串錯字, 只有cross(v)/across(adv,prep),兩者都解作橫過,此須動詞)
3. He is absent (from) school today.(absent from 解缺席)
4. I had ( ) lunch with an old friend of mine yesterday.
5. I ( was ) born in 1990.(born雖可作動詞,但我是被生出的,故須用被動句式,而且己出生,要用過去式)
6. The magician made the rabbit (vanish).(make後要跟infinivite)
7. He put a (few) cubes of sugar into his coffee.(sugar不可數,但句子已用了量詞cube,故要用可數的few)
8. The boy is intelligent (but) lazy.(對比)
9. There are only two ways to the market. Which is the shortest ( )?
10.All the money in the safe (belong) to my parents. (money不可數)

2008-01-06 16:40:02 補充:
( good of 後要跟人物,解善良)
參考: myself
2008-01-07 12:30 am
1. She is good at sewing clothes. (good at .... 即是擅長做...)
2. The man crosses this road every day. (across 不是動詞, cross才是)
3. He is absent from school today.
4. I had lunch with an old friend of mine yesterday. (比較少用"a lunch", 正如我們甚少會用"a dinner", "a breakfast"等)
5. I was born in 1990.
6. The magician made the rabbit vanish.
7. He put a little cube of sugar into his coffee. (a 代表 1 個, 所以不會用cube)
8. The boy is intelligent and lazy. (這句grammar沒有錯, 如要改, 可改做 intelligent but lazy.)
9. There are only two ways to the market. Which is the shorter way? (由於只有兩條路, 所以不須用shortest, 用shorter已能表達)
10.All the money in the safe belongs to my parents. (money 是 uncountable noun, 所以不會後面用belong)

2008-01-06 16:32:20 補充:
不好意思, 剛才看漏了...7. He puts a little cube of sugar into his coffee. (a 代表 1 個, 所以不會用cube)
參考: 自己
2008-01-07 12:29 am
1. She is good at sewing clothes.
2. The man across this road every day.
3. He is absent to school today.
4. I had a lunch with an old friend of me yesterday.
5. I was born in 1990.
6. The magician has made the rabbit vanished.
7. He puts a little cubes of sugar into his coffee.
8. The boy is intelligent but lazy.
9. There are only two ways to the market. Which is the shorter way?
10.All the money in the safe belongs to my parents.

2008-01-06 16:32:22 補充:

2008-01-06 16:56:45 補充:
參考: think
2008-01-07 12:24 am
1. She is good at sewing clothes.
2. The man walks across this road every day.
3. He is absent in school today.
4. I had have a lunch with an old friend of mine yesterday.
5. I was born in 1990.
6. The magician vanished the rabbit.
7. He put a few cubes of sugar into his coffee.
8. The boy is intelligent but lazy.
9. There are only two ways to go to the market. Which is the shortest way?
10.All the money is in the safe which belongs to my parents.

2008-01-06 16:27:33 補充:
點解有d 人 無改句子又寫番出黎....希望對英文不太理解的人不要亂答啦.....
參考: myself
2008-01-07 12:22 am
1. She is good of sewing clothes.
-->She is good 'at' sewing clothes.

2. The man acrosses this road every day.
-->The man acrosses this road every day.(it's correct.)

3. He is absent for school today.
-->He is absent 'in' school today.

4. I had a lunch with an old friend of mine yesterday.
-->I had a lunch with an old friend of 'me' yesterday.

5. I born in 1990.
-->I was born in 1990.

6. The magician made the rabbit vanished.
-->The magician made the rabbit vanished.(it's correct.)

7. He put a little cubes of sugar into his coffee.
-->He put a 'few' cubes of sugar into his coffee.

8. The boy is intelligent and lazy.
-->The boy is intelligent 'but' lazy.

9. There are only two ways to the market. Which is the shortest way?
-->There are only two ways to the market. Which is 'a shorter' way?

10.All the money in the safe belong to my parents.
-->All the money in the safe 'is' belong to my parents.
2008-01-07 12:18 am
1. She is good at sewing clothers
2. The man crosses this road every day.
3. He was absent from school today.
4. I had lunch with an old friend of mine yesterday.
5. I was born in 1990.
6. The magician madethe rabbit vanished.
7. He put a little cube of sugar into his coffee.
8. The boy is intelligent but lazy.
9. There are two ways to the market. Which is the shortest way?
10.All the money in the safe belongs to my parents.

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