
2008-01-06 11:51 pm
請問以下2句句字哪句較正確? 為什麼 ? 謝謝解答!

1.The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off the market
2. The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off from the market.

回答 (5)

2008-01-06 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off from the market. 較正確
參考: me
2008-01-07 12:22 am
2. The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off from the market. 較正確
因為"taken-off from"係個phrase..通常刀會用在一起
參考: Myself
2008-01-07 12:19 am
the second one is 較正確 (The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off from the market. )

coz was taken off the market means take off the whole market, was taken off from the market means take the drug from the market
參考: my brain
2008-01-07 12:10 am
The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off from the market.
這句較正確, 因為如果用"take off the market", 即是取消個market, 2.就是在market取消D drug.
參考: 我
2008-01-07 12:09 am
The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off the market是對的,因為The drug was found to be dangerous, and was taken off from the market.多了個字

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