
2008-01-06 10:02 pm
1)Mr Wong lived (live ) with his grandparents in U.S.A. when he _________(be ) a child.

2)Mr Chan ______(work) in our school as a Maths teacher since 1998. He ______(be) a good teacher and we ______(love) him very much.

尤其是第一條,在這個" when" 字之下,前後兩句的tense 有什麼不同?

回答 (9)

2008-01-06 10:55 pm
1. was
2. has been working was loved
2008-01-06 10:45 pm
Answer :
1) was
2) has worked
參考: me
2008-01-06 10:16 pm
1)Mr Wong lived (live) with his grandparents inU.S.A. when he was (be) a child.

2)Mr Chan worked (work) in our school as Maths teacher since 1998.
He is (be) a good teacher and we love (love) him very much.

因為when係連接詞so......而第2句因為有since1998so work要用過去色.
其實我D Eng都5係好好,希望幫到你!!
參考: myself
2008-01-06 10:11 pm
1. was
2.has worked / is / love

1. 因為 Mr. Wong 己經不再是小朋友, 只是講述返以前嘅事, 所以用 past tense.
2. 因為有個since, 所以要用 present perfct tense. / 佢仲係老師而旦我地仲鐘意佢, 所以用present tense.
參考: myself
2008-01-06 10:09 pm
1) is 2)work,is,love
2008-01-06 10:08 pm
1)Mr Wong lived (live ) with his grandparents in U.S.A. when he is (be ) a child.

2)Mr Chan worked (work) in our school as a Maths teacher since 1998. He is (be) a good teacher and we love (love) him very much.
2008-01-06 10:08 pm
1)Mr Wong lived (live ) with his grandparents in U.S.A. when he __was__(be ) a child.

2)Mr Chan _has worked_(work) in our school as a Maths teacher since 1998. He _is_____(be) a good teacher and we __love____(love) him very much.
2008-01-06 10:07 pm
1)Mr Wong lived (live ) with his grandparents in U.S.A. when he was (be ) a child.

2)Mr Chan worked (work) in our school as a Maths teacher since 1998. He is (be) a good teacher and we loves (love) him very much
2008-01-06 10:06 pm
1)Mr Wong lived (live ) with his grandparents in U.S.A. when he _____was____(be ) a child.

2)Mr Chan _____has worked_(work) in our school as a Maths teacher since 1998. He ___is___(be) a good teacher and we ___love___(love) him very much.
(he still works in the school, and hasn't left yet)
參考: me

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