chem soapy and soapless

2008-01-06 9:14 pm
1)soapy detergent 的 advantage(s)?
2)soapless detergent 的 two advantages?
3)soapy detergent 是否一定係biodegradable? no branched chains?

Thank you!

4)If sea water were shaken with a sopless detergent which is biodegradable, what would be observed? foam or scrum or ....

回答 (1)

2008-01-06 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The advantages for soapy detergent are:
a)It cleans very well in soft water.
b)It is non-toxic to water life
c)It is biodegradable
d)It is only ildly alkaline, seldom cause skin allergy.

2. The two advantages for soapless detergent are:
a)It doesn't have the limitation of soap. It can work well in hard
water or acidic solution.
b)It is made from petroleum, thus it can save the food source as
soap is always made by animal fats or vegetable oil.

3.Yes. They don't have any branched chains.

2008-01-06 14:58:57 補充:
4.Foam is formed as soapless detergent works well in hard water.
參考: My Chem textbook

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