
2008-01-06 9:07 pm
小弟剛到美國 經常有朋友打招呼
不論街上的路人 或是店員

How are you? 我唔想答FINE= =
How's the day?
How' things going?
How do you do? 我唔想答返how do you do= =
Nice/Good to see you again
Nice to meet/see you again

以上 謝謝=]

回答 (3)

2008-01-06 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can answer...
good...thank you
not bad...
so far so good...

after you answer the question..you can ask her/him back..that's better like
good,how about you?
not bad..how are you doing?
or you can act like the blacks...say:what's up?
if you know someone,and see him again later on,just say:hey,what's up?
or you can ask how's life?

answer for thank you...except welcome,no problem
there are a few answers:
you're welcome
not at all
don't mention it
or just smile...you don't really need to say a word

get it? and good luck
參考: I lived in US
2008-01-07 12:09 am
How are you? I am fine and you?
or you can say:

How's it going?
How are you doing?/How are you?
What's new?
How's life?
How's everything?
Anything surprising lately?
What's up?
What's going on?
What are you up to lately?
How have you been?
How's your life treating you?, etc....
Glad to see you.

Americans don't usually say How do you do. It's very British.

You may answer:

I am good. Thank you! How about yourself?

It's okay. No problem/ Not a problem
Not at all.
You are very welcome/ You are more than welcome.
Don't worry about it.

Hope it would help! ^^
參考: myself
2008-01-06 9:28 pm
How are you? (佢問你幾好嗎) good,how about you?
How's the day? (佢問你今日覺得點)你都可以問佢GOOD
How' things going?(佢問你而家做咩)I am going to playing football/shopping with my friend
How do you do? (呢個都係問你想做D咩)
Nice/Good to see you again(你可以話me too)
Nice to meet/see you again(同上)
Thank you (呢個要睇下咩野時候同你講,如果係你送野俾佢,佢講,你就可以話do you like this?)

參考: 我

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