急 { 英文Tense 問題 }

2008-01-06 8:42 pm
(1)Simple Present (中文解釋?)同埋見到咩英文字要轉呢個?幾時+s 或+es?
(2)Simple Past (中文解釋?)同埋見到咩英文字要轉呢個?幾時轉was或were?
(3)Present Continuous(中文解釋?)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?
(4)Past Continuous(中文解釋?)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?同Present Continuous有咩分別?
(5)Present Future(中文解釋?)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?
五該哂>< 溫書..聽日要考英文!!

回答 (4)

2008-01-06 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1)simpie present 中文解釋係現在式
佢見到always,often.....仲有關於而家d野就要用simpie present tense
普通詞語就+s,特殊詞語就+es 例如x字尾,s字尾等等

(2)Simple Past 中文解釋係過去式
佢見到ago,yesterday就要轉simple past tense
而was同were只不過是is同are的過去式,所以用法同present tense無分別

(3)Present Continuous 中文解釋係現在進行式,佢係用於一樣正在做緊ge事
用法係verb+ing,佢見到now呢d字就要轉Present Continuous tense

(4)Past Continuous 中文解釋係過去進行式,佢同現在進行式ge分別係
佢多數都係見到while同when兩個字先會轉Past Continuous tense

(5)Present Future 中文解釋係未來式,佢係用於一d將會發生ge事
佢多數都係見到tomorrow,next...呢d字先轉Present Future tense

我打左好鬼多字 XD
參考: 自己ge英文
2008-01-06 10:21 pm
(1)Simple Present (現在式)同埋見到咩英文字要轉呢個?幾時+s 或+es?
Express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. Indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future.
Clue:every day,every Sunday,often,always,usually,sometimes,never,twice a week.

(2)Simple Past (過去式)同埋見到咩英文字要轉呢個?幾時轉was或were?
Express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past.
Clue:yesterday,last Friday,ago,once upon a time,in1980,when i was small,the day before yesterday.

3)Present Continuous(現在進行式)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?
Express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment.
Clue:now,at the moment,at present ,still,look!

(4)Past Continuous(過去進行式)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?同Present Continuous有咩分別?
Indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past.

(5)Present Future(將來式)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?
When we want to tell others what we have planned or arranged to do,what we think is going to happen.
Clue:tomorrow,next Monday,the day after tomorrow,in the moment,soon
2008-01-06 9:44 pm
Present Simple (現在式)


Present Simple 是最簡單的時態,它的用途有三種:

1 用以表達一些重覆的動作或習慣(Repeated actions or habits):
E.g.1:We get up early every day.
E.g.2:She is sometimes late.


上述例子中的 Adverbs 都可以有很多選擇:
always, usually, generally, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every day/ week/ month/ year, once a week, twice a month, now and then, from time to time, once in a while, etc…
2 表示一種永恆不變的情況,事情(Situations which are permanent):
E.g.:Mr Chan speaks fluent English.
他能說流利的英語是一個不變的事實,不會昨天、今天、明天有分別的。(除非說他很久以前不懂英語,以前不流利啦。這就要視情況來判決用哪 Tenses 了)

3 表示真理(General Truth):
E.g.:The earth goes round the sun.
E.g.:The sun rises from the east.

注意:三身單數(He, She, It)要加"s",不要忘記啊
以 Simple Present 為例,為什麼我們要用它來表達 "真理"、"不變的事" 呢?首先我們看看以上 Examples 的動作,情況(He speaks English well. Sun rises from the east),我們不難發現那些動作及情況都同時跨越 過去、現在、將來 三個時態(因為 "He speak English well",他昨天的英文程度好,今天如此,明天如此。 "Sun rises from the easy",太陽昨天,今天,明天都會由東方升起)。因此,用 過去式 不妥,用 現在進行式 不妥,將來式 不妥,根本任何其他時態都不妥。結果,就決定用 現在式

Present Continuous Tense (現在進行式)

1. 表示一個與說話時同步進行的動作(Something is in progress at the moment of speaking):

E.g.: Your father is working, don't disturb him.
Notes:可以運用的副詞: Now, Still, At the moment, At present

2. 表示一個發生時間比現在相差不遠的動作(An action happens around now but not necessarily at the moment of speaking)

Paul: I see your brother is reading the classified ads.
Lily: Yes, he is looking for a job.

而 Lily 用的 正在進行式 就是第二個特性,因為她哥哥近排都在找工作。

3. 表示一個時常重復又惹人煩厭的動作或事情:

E.g.: your sister is always talking in class. You should do something about it.
可選用副詞: always, constantly, continually…etc.


上述 "轉變中的事件" 這個特性,是須要有一個條件:就是你說出的事情,必須有一個可見的証據(Visual evident),意思就是,如果你想說 "快下雨了!" 你就必須先看到天色變差才可以用 進行式,否則就要用 將來式 喇。
如果想用 現在進行式 來表示未來的事情,就如例子3、4,那麼就必須符合它的特性(計劃中,scheduled action),就如例子3 "計劃/打算去調查",例子4 "公司計劃重整"。如果不符合條件,就要用 將來式 了。

Present Perfect Tense & Present Perfect Continuous Tense
的 共通點 及 各自的意義:

1. 當說及一些事件發生於以前,並繼續進行至現在,我們都可以使用 Present Perfect Tense 或 Present Perfect Continuous Tense,意思上是沒有多大的分別。不過我們普遍都會偏用 Present Perfect Tense。

E.g.:I Have lived/have been living in this house for years/since 1992.

注意: Past Tenses 是動作和事情是過去發生並且過去完成,不會持續到現在。這亦都是之所以有 Present Perfect Tense 及 Present Perfect Continuous Tense 的存在的原因。

2. 當強調一個動作我們做了多少次或發生次數,我們會用 Present Perfect Tense:
E.g.: He has broken his arm four times before.

3. 當一個動作於過去發生,持續到現在,並有可能會繼續發生至將來,我們會用 Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
E.g.: Mr. Chan owns a garage. He has been repairing cars for a living since he left school.
E.g.: Winkie has been writing letter all morning. So far she has written three letters.

4. 我們會用 Present Perfect Tense 來表達一個較長久,永恆的事情。以 Present Perfect Continuous Tense 來表達一個比較臨時,較短暫的動作

E.g.: You have been working hard recently. You should take care of your health.

Simple Past (過去式)

Simple Past Tense 是表達一個過去及已經結束的動作,而這個動作必須給予一個清楚的時間。簡單而言,就是如果我們在知道時間的情況下,我們會用 Past Tense,相反如果不知道時間,我們會用 Present Perfect (continuous)Tense,或 Past Perfect (Continuous)Tense,視乎情

Past Perfect Tense (過去完成式)

當我們想表達一個比 Simple Past Tense 更早發生的動作時,就會用上 Past Perfect Tense 或 Past Perfect Continuous Tense,現在先說 Past Perfect Tense。
這個 Past Perfect Tense 與 Present Perfect Tense 雖然名字很相似,但是用法卻有一點兒不同。E.g.:We were there at 9:00 a.m., but the bus had gone.
E.g.:I studied hard in library yesterday afternoon, because I had got a very bad result. If I don't work hard now, I will fail again.

E.g.:He had left ten minutes ago.
E.g.:He left ten minutes ago.
參考: My self!
2008-01-06 9:43 pm
(1)Simple Present (中文解釋?)同埋見到咩英文字要轉呢個?幾時+s 或+es?
現在式: 當你見到today, everyday, usually, often, always 等字要變做現在式, 在第三身時加 s, e.g.: She eats an apple everyday.

(2)Simple Past (中文解釋?)同埋見到咩英文字要轉呢個?幾時轉was或were?
過去式:凡見到 yesterday,last (time)都要變做過去式.

(3)Present Continuous(中文解釋?)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?

現在進行式: 見到 now, for the time being等字, 就要變現在進行式.
(4)Past Continuous(中文解釋?)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?同Present Continuous有咩分別?
過去進行式: 形容以前做過,而當期時做緊的事, 例如: 我上星期一去了露營,並在營附近游了一個小時水. On last Monday, I went to camping, and was swimming for two hour near the camp site.
e.g. I was swimming for an hour.
e.g. I am swimming for an hour.

(5)Present Future(中文解釋?)見到咩英文字要轉呢個?
未來式: 凡見到tomorrow, next (time), future的事情,都是未來式. e.g. You will take your english examination tomorrow.

參考: 自己

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