2008-01-06 9:48 am
1GB 2GB 4GB 有冇8GB!?!?!!?!?!?!

係邊度有得賣 急!!

回答 (4)

2008-01-06 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Now is be 16G ga la. everywhere u can buy la. buy just depend where u live and how u use ga ja. coz normally 4G ~ 8G is really enough to normal user ga la and where to use is cheaper and of coz is 高登 la. also u can check out the price in it la. u check out
for this web site la. or u can tell me where u live and i can introduce some shop to u la. bye bye. hope can help u out la.

2008-01-06 02:12:15 補充:
Here is the price list in golden la.*ALL&sort_by=M&I2.x=33&I2.y=11so i check that 4G is around $200 to $250and 8G is around $500 la. bye bye again la.
2008-01-06 10:20 am
今天去了黃金地庫買 A-Data USB 2G 好平 $79, 樓上高登都有 $80, 4G 就 $18x - $2xx, 看牌字而定, 8G 都有, 我無記幾多錢, 是有得買, 觀塘不會平過深水埗, 就算計來回車費都是, 我買那間叫 A Grade Technology Ltd. , Tel : 21528000 , 11點半後打, 你問他們有無8G貨.
2008-01-06 10:10 am
Wan Chai Comptuer City
Near Wan Chai MTR
2008-01-06 9:53 am

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