
2008-01-06 9:19 am
1.鄰近國家設有賭場(目前,亞洲的韓國、馬來西亞、柬埔寨、越南和尼泊爾等國家均設有賭場。此外,在東南亞,菲律賓預計未來十年內會有50家賭場開業。 )
2.近年來澳的香港賭客大幅下降(主要原因就是鄰近地區搏彩業及周邊賭船的興起 )
3.公海賭船的出沒(進出大陸港口的賭船亦合法 )

回答 (5)

2008-01-06 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
The gambling industry in Macau gave rise basically due to cities or countries nearby granted no permission to gambling.
(1 ) At present, casinos established at the nearby countries including the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Kampuchea, Vietnam and Nepal. Besides, there are fifty more coming in the Philippines and South East Asia.

(2) The visitors from Hong Kong dropped significantly mainly due to the rise of gambling industry and floating casinos nearby.
(3) Floating casinos across the International Waters (Mare Liberum). Even the liners are ligitimate to operate a casino on board during their visits between harbours in PRC.

2008-01-06 03:43:56 補充:

2008-01-06 03:45:12 補充:

2008-01-06 03:47:14 補充:
At present, many casinos established ...........加上了many才順暢

2008-01-06 03:48:02 補充:
At present, there are many casinos established ...........加上了there are many才順暢

2008-01-06 03:50:00 補充:

2008-01-06 03:51:40 補充:
(3) Floating casinos are found across the International Waters. 也是要加are found 才夠順。

2008-01-06 23:48:56 補充:
其他人似乎對外國人的說法不大認識。亦可能太眼於每字去譯了。 很想對依賴機械做翻譯的網友忠告一句。這麼一來點算是自己的作品和進步呢!更有認為是一定正確,可見其無知得交關。趕快返學校請教老師吧! 譯文若要提升水平,文學基礎修養不可少。
參考: common sense only
2008-01-06 11:37 pm
Aomen wrestles color industry starting is take is close to the country
or the local gambling prohibition as the premise. 1. The neighbor
country is equipped with the gambling establishment (at present,
country and so on Asia's South Korea, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and
Nepal is equipped with the gambling establishment. In addition, in
Southeast Asia, the Philippines estimated in the future ten years will
be able to have 50 gambling establishments to start doing business. )
2. In recent years Australia's Hong Kong gamblers largely dropped
(main reason are close to area to wrestle color industry and
peripheral gambling ship start) 3. The international waters bet the
ship to appear and disappear (turnover mainland harbor gambling ship
to be also legitimate)
參考: me- -
2008-01-06 5:59 pm
It is if the neighbouring country or area bans gambling that Macao fights the rise of the color industry.
1.Near the country and consist of the gambling house (at present, there are gambling houses in countries such as South Korea, Malaysia, Kampuchea, Vietnam and Nepal of Asia,etc.. In addition, in Southeast Asia, Philippine estimates that there are 50 open gambling houses in the following ten years. )
2.Hong Kong of Australia gambles guests and drops by a wide margin (main reason is that the neighbouring area fights color industry and perimeter and gambles the rise of the ship in recent years )
3.The ones that gamble the ship in the high seas haunt (the gamble ship which passes in and out the continent port is also legal )

-Hope that I can help you..
參考: Dr.eye*]]-must be right..
2008-01-06 10:52 am
In Macao,the job of gamble soar through the air is because the cities or countries which close to Macao are don't permit to gambling.
1.Vicinity have bulit the places for gambling "Nowadaya,there have bulit the place of gambling in the Republic of Korea,Malaysia,Kampuchea,Vietnam and Nepal.Besides,
there will build about fifty places for gambling in Southeast Asia and the Philippines."
The visitor who come from Hong Kong are seriously decrease."The main reason is
vicinity have more gambling and places for gambling"
3Mare Liberum have appeared many boat for gambling "The boat for gambling is permit
to get in and out."
2008-01-06 10:52 am
Aomen wrestles color industry starting is take is close to the country
or the local gambling prohibition as the premise. 1. The neighbor
country is equipped with the gambling establishment (at present,
country and so on Asia's South Korea, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and
Nepal is equipped with the gambling establishment. In addition, in
Southeast Asia, the Philippines estimated in the future ten years will
be able to have 50 gambling establishments to start doing business. )
2. In recent years Australia's Hong Kong gamblers largely dropped
(main reason are close to area to wrestle color industry and
peripheral gambling ship start) 3. The international waters bet the
ship to appear and disappear (turnover mainland harbor gambling ship
to be also legitimate)
參考: 字典

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