7/8 + 1/4 =?

2008-01-06 5:50 am
how do you figure out the mixed number or improper fraction or something..

i know so far the answer is 9/8 but how do you change that so its a regular fraction? PLEASE HELP ME!!

回答 (12)

2008-01-06 1:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
7/8 + 2/8 = 9/8 = 1⅛
2008-01-10 5:38 am
7/8 + 1/4
= 7/ 8 + 2/8
= 9/8
2008-01-06 7:44 am
yup, you'll get that 9/8. next step without cramming ur head is to just remember that if you want to change an improper fraction to a proper fraction is by just dividing the 'number which makes it improper' which in this case is 9(well, if the number was 7, it wouldn't be a problem rite?) so, when you divide the 9 over the 8, (mind, dont use a calculator), you will get a 1 1/8.. okay??
2008-01-06 6:12 am
actually, i dont think that u can reduce it to a proper fraction...but u can reduce it to mixed number...

since the answer is 9/8...
divide 9 by 8...
so it will be 1..
then there will be a remainder which is 1..
the remainder will be the numerator and the denominator will be 8..
so the answer will be 1 1/8...
參考: elementary books...
2008-01-06 6:07 am
8 is the highest denominator
so inorder to get the common denominator
times the 4 by 2
u also need to times the 1 by 2
7/8 + 2/8 = 9/8
divide the 9 from the 8
and u get 1 1/8
2008-01-06 6:03 am
When you add fractions you have to make the denominators (numbers on the bottom) match. The denominator of the first fraction is 8, the second's is 4. Can 4 go into 8? Yes, twice. So, multiply the second fraction by 2/2 to get 2/8.

Now you have: 7/8 + 2/8. So just add the numerators (top numbers) to get 9 and leave the denominator as it is, 8. 9/8!
2008-01-06 6:01 am
one way isby using your head and knowing that 1/4 is 2/8 or by using the mathmatical formula.You first mutliply across the bottom numbers only so 8x4=32. For the the next step you take 7/8 and 1/4 and multiply diagonally so you end up with 7x4=28 and 8x1=8. Now add them together giving you 36, 28+8=36. The final step put 36 over 32, 36/32 and find a common denominator. so divide each (the 36 and 32) by 4 which gives you 9/8. 36/4=9, 32-4=8 thus making 9/8

then what they said above
2008-01-06 6:01 am
First you change the denominators of both the fradctions to the same. normally,you just take the lowest common multiple of them. in this case, its 8.

So here's the working:
7/8 + 2/8 = 9/8
= 1 1/8
the reason 9/8 is changed to the mixed number (1 1/8). 9 is bigger than eight you that makes one whole already. (one whole is 8/8 in this case). So you right 1 and to get 1/8 you just see that after 8 is subtracted from 9 you get one so its 1/8.

so the answer is 1 1/8!

Hope this helps!
2008-01-06 5:54 am
Just find out LCM of all denominators

here LCM of 4 and 8 is 8

So make both denominators as 8 to get
7/8 + 1/4
= 7/8 + 2/8
= (7+2) / 8
= 9/8

This is your answer.

Thank you.
2008-01-06 6:17 am
one u have the answer as
9/8 to get to mixed numbers you devide the top numerator by the denominator to get the whole number 1 take to the front.
then take the denominator times by the number just found away from the numerator and you get your fraction part
so you get 1 (1/8)

Eg. 23/6

23 divided by 6 ~ 3.83. so take the hole number of 3.

then 23 minus (3*6) = 23-18=5

take the whole number of the 3 to the font then put the other number just found over the denominator
so the answer is 3 (5/6)

~ stands for approximately.

you would not write it with the () but it is the best way online to demonstraite that the whole number is out the front
參考: science majoring in mathermatics at uni. eng majoring in robotic and mechatronic at uni

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