any good ART MAGAZINES??

2008-01-05 8:24 pm
hello everbody!

I would love to study History of Art in future. To prepare for my university interview I would like to read some good art magazines regularly, so that I can be 'up to date' with everthing that goes on about art at the moment.

Any recommendations?

Thanx a lot!! :D

回答 (5)

2008-01-05 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Personally i think you would be better off reading books, go to the library or second hand book shops. Go to galleries to and sit and study brush work, composition and use of paint...
參考: Artist selling internationally..
2016-12-12 7:10 pm
Insights into Martial Arts, replaced into an allround open minded magazine, even though it have been given taken over and later became comprehend as combat situations and thats once I provide up reading it with the aid of fact it became to custard!
2008-01-09 11:59 am
My favourites are:
Artist Newsletter
Modern Painters
Creative Review

Artist Newsletter is very good good for staying on top of issues relating to today's practicing artists:
2008-01-06 9:46 am
It really depends on what kind of art you're interested in. ADBusters is good...Art Doll Quarterly is good...Architectural Digest is what I'm getting at is, it REALLY depends on what you're interested in.
Graphic Design, Painting, Industrial Design, etc.
Pick a genre then head in that direction!
2008-01-05 8:35 pm
juxtapoz magazine. Quite a lot of non-pretentious low brow art in there. Current art, not dusty old masters.

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