英文的現在分詞? 不明白啊! help..

2008-01-06 5:51 am
1. 英文的句子中幾時要用現在分詞?
2. 如果前面有to, 仲要加ing嗎? 點解既??????????
3. 有什麼因素/有什麼{句子的現象}令你覺得要用ing,而不用現在式? 請列例子。

回答 (2)

2008-01-11 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 英文的句子中幾時要用現在分詞?
(a) continous / tense
- present continous tense
- present perfect continous tense
- past continous tense
- past perfect continous tense
- future continous tense
- future perfect continous tense
(b) adjective
- The book is interesting.
- The water is boiling.
(c) gerund (動名詞)
I like drinking tea.
We enjoy playing table-tennis.
I hate disturbing people in their work.
(d) particple phase
Having promised him, you should keep your word.
Standing at the corner, I am waiting for Mary.

2. 上面位(仁兄)己答得好清楚,由於意思相同,不再解釋

3. 1(b)(c)(d)已有例子

2008-01-06 6:42 am
1. 現在進行時
2. 如果"to"是infinitive的話後面就一定要係basic word, 即唔會有ing, 但如果只係一個preposition的話就有機會了
例如:I'm looking forward to seeing you
3. He's finishing homeworks, so he can't go to play now

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