
2008-01-06 5:49 am
第1段:A secondary 2 school boy (呢個係岩既answer:was).He was trying to steal the examination papers.
我唔識果段(第4段):The boy told the police that he school results (has been) very poor.<----------------(has been係錯的)我想問下has been應該改做乜野???
(一定唔係was,were,have been,is,are,were being,was being)不過我覺得was/were係岩既

回答 (4)

2008-01-06 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
The boy told the police that he school results (had been) very poor.
因為這句是用了間接敘述法(Indirect Speech),用間接敘述法時,有一點我們是要特別注意的,就是時式的一致(Sequence of Tense),所謂時式的一致,意思是說:若主要子句是現在式時,從屬子句的動詞就不受限,任何時式皆可;
He said that he was doing it.
He said that he had done it.
He said that he would do it.
有了時式一致的概念下,再談你的句子;你或許會問,為甚麼答案不是were而是had been,這是因為,學校成績被偷去,是發生在the boy told the police這件事之前。凡兩個過去的動作,先發生的動作通常要用past perfect tense。
相信道理你已明白,因此,你也明白為甚麼答案是:had been

2008-01-05 22:48:11 補充:
對不起,因為照copy你的句子,所以有錯:應該是The boy told the police that the school results (had been) very poor.還有,要更改:”這是因為,學校成績被偷去,是發生在the boy told the police這件事之前。”應為:”這是因為,學校成績非常差這事實,是發生在the boy told the police這件事之前。”

2008-01-06 14:13:51 補充:
那麼應該是:The boy told the police that his school results (had been) very poor.
2008-01-06 6:18 am
係has being
原因係用現在進行式,n 佢個動作係做緊
2008-01-06 6:16 am
The boy told the police that he school results (has been) very poor.
首先呢....佢講the boy told the police that即係佢用緊reporter speech.....
句野係用past tense ....點會冇啦啦有present perfect tense出現呢......
而且你係唔係打錯字呢.....應該唔係he school result.....
我覺得應該係his school results were very poor...........
2008-01-06 5:57 am
係was,因為the boy係單數,唔係眾數,所以唔係were,係was!

2008-01-05 21:59:23 補充:

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