
2008-01-06 5:39 am
If your best friend wants to copy your homework, what will you do?
( 請 用 英 文 回 答 )

回答 (3)

2008-01-06 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案


"我會問佢功課上係咪有咩唔識,之後就教返佢,令佢可以好快咁學識同明白返一d功課上or課本上gei問題,同埋同佢講下次唔識都可以問返我...這樣一來可以幫到同教返我best friend做功課,二來又可以當幫自己溫習多一次...最重要係可以令佢唔使再依賴抄功課喱個惡行!"


2008-01-05 22:50:10 補充:
I would ask him if there is any difficulties, I would try my best to teach him and let him know that if he has any questions next time,he can ask me again

2008-01-05 22:50:40 補充:
by doing this,not only I can help him on homework and revise my study again, of course I can use this chance to let him realize copying homework is not the right way for studying.
參考: 一諗就諗到...=p
2008-01-08 10:12 pm
i will not share for her.Because this is not a good attitude for student.I will say" This is your own homework,if you can't do, you can ask me.'
2008-01-06 6:07 am
i do not give my fd to copy because when i give my fd to copy
my fd can not have new knowledge and your fd can not alway is wif you ineverywhere
參考: ME

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