maths,chem and bio

2008-01-06 4:31 am
如果我係呢3科mc做得好,係咪long question都唔會差得去邊?

我答中左Bio Mc 52/60 Chem 46/50 Maths 35/54

回答 (2)

2008-01-06 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
lee d 係mock ge results ,pastpaper,定係test ga?單靠一個test好難評估ga,d test深定淺都唔知...mc好可能你d concept 都清ge,但long question要你寫野好,答得有points ga!
你mc d results 都唔錯..+oil
2008-01-06 5:28 am
Your maths is weak.
And it also depends on the difficulties of the papers.

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