
2008-01-06 4:27 am



回答 (5)

2008-01-06 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一段,一開始----good morning/afternoon everybody~~~~之後可以講你叫咩名,住邊區,家中有冇兄弟姊妹,有冇寵物,爸媽做咩職業等....


第三段,平時鍾意玩咩,(如有)講吓平時有冇D咩有家是訓練的[e.g.Every Monday, I go to Tsuen Wan to learn piano(冇都作,用吓D時間)],假日有冇同屋企人出去玩(同上),去邊玩,玩咩(講呢度用吓D咩always...usually---go to xxx).......

如果跟住上面就差唔多三分鐘,唔好講得咁快,一定要喺講稿裏搞D爛GAG(好難,因用英文,試試~~),上台後千其唔好左郁右郁,會扣分,之前試過企唔直比老師扣分,最重要的,是時間,喺講之前試下份野幾多時間,太少太多都唔好,最好剛剛好3分鐘(冇可能= =),我講嘅係咁多~~~
參考: 自己(我年年Oral攞A,唔信去死~~)
2008-01-06 7:13 am
I am a X, study in XxX Secondary School. I am a scout which is in 19th Kowloon Boy Scout Group. I am the only daughter of my father and mother. I am TV Fans which like to watch TV very much. Who am I?
I am XxX, and now studying in F.Xx. I live in Xx which is in Xx. I have a lot of interests and there are many activities that I have join. I usually get every thing that I want. I have known some of my classmates already, they are very kind and friendly. I have go to scout every Saturday and have lots activities on holidays, I enjoy the scouts’life activities and meetings because I can meet my friends and learning more things of outdoor. I usually join the camping with my friends too, my best friend is called Xx, we have already known each other for X years. I also learn piano, swimming and English weekly. In the following days in my secondary school, I am going to learn one more musical instrument, what musical instrument you suggest me to learn?

-Hope that I can help you..
參考: My Composition*]]
2008-01-06 5:13 am
點作哂﹖﹖連你個名都唔知﹗又唔知係oral exam定係返工

Good day everyone, I am .... and I am ... years old (爛get 轉用 XX years young), I am here today ..... (你今日既目的)

Main body
Share about your interests, hobbies, and why you have such hobbies. Depending on the purpose of this speech you may wish to share a little about your family like what are your parents like, any siblings (兄妹) and what are your relationships with them.

Thank everyone for their attention and wish them all a good 2008!
2008-01-06 4:37 am
you can tell the teacher your name , olds , where do you study , what do you like best and what do you want to be when you grow up(and why)
2008-01-06 4:34 am

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