
2008-01-06 3:30 am

港式英文唔單止指口音,仲包括文法,好多香港人講的港式英文係唔合乎文法的 eg no money no talk long time no see we are the borther in four sea.......


聽說其實日本人的英文在寫和讀能力是不差的, 不過佢地就十分唔願意講英文,平時(包括返工)亦唔會多聽,加上和製日音,令人覺得佢地英文差


其實我唔係想問兩地居民的英文能力,而係針對有當地「特色」的「英文」 想請教J兄,作為美國人,你係咪會覺得將難翻的食品名真接翻成接似的讀音會比較好,eg 壽司叫sushi,中式酒樓的點心叫Dim sum 三樓的仁兄,那麼個manager說的和製口音你聽得明嗎?


我同意J兄說不能以口音來判斷人家的語文能力,但日本的說話能力會唔會計做例外? 日本人的英文口音是他們改到遷就他們的口形,正如4樓的仁兄所說十分忠於自己的口音,和倫敦口音可以相差好遠,和香港人不同,香港人不太精通倫敦口音,甚至發音錯誤(eg memo讀成mean帽,list讀成liszt)也不會像日本人咁. 另外J兄話你有很重的堪薩斯州口音,那你在當兵時會不會聽不慣其他美國大兵的口音,係咪要講慢d先聽到?

回答 (3)

2008-01-12 11:53 pm
Im not here to argue. Just saying the truth.
"Long time no see..." There are more foreigners using that sentence instead of cantonese.

"Ping Pong"
Foreigners usually call "table tennis" as "ping pong".

Why do they choose to use chinglish?
It means that they can still understand.

Japanese: They probably know more vocabulary but they use their "katakana" to pronounce which makes them stuck with the accent.

I personally think that cantonese can change their accent easier than Japanese.
參考: me
2008-01-08 6:45 am
超. 你連brother都寫錯. 根本無權話人英文差.
I had been studying in Hk for 8 years and I went to Australia last christmas. every one there could understand what i was talking about and my english test marks are even better than Aussies. so, shut the hack up and get over it.
If u said Hong Kong English is bad, than u are wrong. many hknese can speak good english. it is only those people around u are low-educated thats why u thought hknese can;t speak good english. smart boy.

P.s. i had been to japan many times. I went to 5-stars japanese hotel last time. and the waiters couldn;t even understand 'water and tea'. and they called up their boss for help. how embarassing.

which side is better? think about it.
參考: ur m.u.m
2008-01-06 3:43 am

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