p.3 writing 2sentences thank you

2008-01-06 12:35 am
have you ever taken part in a play?What was the play about and how did you feel?

I ttok part in a play at shool before the Christmas holiday.The play was about the Birth of Jesus.The play of the chanacters,include:Mary,Joseph,Anglel. ..................................
...........................help me in there write two sentences .I really enjoy this play very much.

thank you

回答 (1)

2008-01-07 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I took part in a play at school before the Christmas holiday.The play was about the birth of Jesus. The characters of the play included, Mary, Joseph, Angel, etc. I was acting as Mary. It helps me to understand more about the story. I really enjoy this play very much.
參考: me

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