
2008-01-05 10:32 pm
我係加拿大讀High sku(=HK讀F.6),07考完CE過去
所以F.3 雖可以選理,但怕Phy, A.math 選了文科...
CE普普, 24分, Math 拿了個C.
來到加拿大,math 好左d(here 淺d)
對ART又不是很有興趣, 所以想讀商:Marketing/Management
這些係u都group 係Business Admin/Commerce 裡面,同Account,Finance 一齊
有d頭兩年讀d 基本野,後兩年先選專門
所以想問下好似Marketing, Management,Inter.Bus,HR果d係唔係都係gum
因為d u apply 前要人讀好多Math course

其實係唔係Math唔好就唔好讀商(BBA, BComm)?
THANK YOU very much!

回答 (2)

2008-01-13 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For marketing/management, you need to do a lot of maths during studies yet once you graduate and start working in the industry, you would only use simply maths.

i don't think you need to like maths a lot or be very good in maths in order to do well in the subject~ just have to be careful during the calculations since most of the maths are simple mathematics ~

but then if you don't like maths or if you really hate doing calculations, then I would suggest you not to study 商

there are many other interesting subjects that require less maths on a daily basis
參考: self
2008-01-09 1:38 am
It is not necessary to do well Math to study business as most business subjects used very simple Math.

I suggested that you based on your interest to choose the subjects you like. It is a much better indicator.

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