
2008-01-05 8:20 pm
唔該我想要finding nemo的資料!大約100字左右
要列點,指名說什麼,如characters and their personalities(是倒字的)
另外我想知finding nemo ga
Anything else you think is important???(50字左右,英文字要簡單)please

thx anyone

回答 (2)

2008-01-05 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
*Name of the movie:
Finding Nemo
*Type of the movie:
*The plot of the story:
1. Marlin got a son called Nemo, they were clown fish.
2. One day, Nemo caught by a human dentist on the way to school.
3. Marlin was worried about his son so he wanted to get to the Sydney Harbour to find Nemo.
4. On the way to the Sydney Harbour, Marlin met Dory, a short-term memory lost fish.
5. Dory and Merlin started their friendship.
6. They helped each other on the way to the Sydney Harbour.
7. On the other hand, Nemo wanted to escape from the fish tank. With the help of his friends (in the tank), he came back to the sea.
8. Nemo heard some brave things of his father, Marlin and Dory from the others in the sea. He was proud of his father.
9. Marlin crossed Nemo's path in the sea.
10. They went home and told eacch other their exciting experiences.
11. Nemo went to school again.
*Characters of the movie:
Marlin(Nemo's Dad), Nemo(a clown fish), Dory(a short-term memory lost fish), [Peach, Bubble, Jacques, Bloat, Gill], the human dentist, etc.   [] = Nemo's friends in the fish tank.
*Reasons that you like this movie:
- Full of love, fun, friendship and warmness.
- Characters are reality →Have different faces, disposition and personality
- Have special meaning→ 'Family is important', 'uniting is the power', 'a family cannot lack communicating'

(感想我唔可以幫你作, 但我比左好多point你, 自己串埋再加少少野就OK)
2008-01-05 8:26 pm
Finding nemo

Oh, I had found it.
Use google!

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