SLK 350 幾多匹...?

2008-01-05 5:17 pm
04年 SLK 350 272匹..請問係機器輸出計..定係落轆計呢...?

回答 (2)

2008-01-05 5:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
R171 呢代嘅SLK350 所指嘅272匹馬力, 係依據德國DIN 70020基準量度, 喺flywheel量度. 所以係機器輸出計, 唔係落轆(wheel horsepower/effective horsepower)計
其實差不多所有汽車製造商列出嘅馬力數據都係機器輸出, 唔係dyno數據.

2008-01-15 10:51:24 補充:
sigh... 咁都要交去投票?
2008-01-05 5:48 pm
you can visit the blow web site explain in detail of all the spec of the car or

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