
2008-01-05 8:40 am

回答 (3)

2008-01-05 10:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong Police Force : crime prevention, crime stop, drugs, prosecution, traffic control and security measures and any matters related to HK internal affairs. Various procedures in different aspects. When emergency, (EMERGENCY only) phone 999.

Fire Services : fire prevention, life rescue ( including drowning ), accident rescue, fire fighting and co-operate with CNTA for licensing matters e.g aged home. Some dangerous goods matter also covers. When emergency, phone 999, for other matters phone 2723 8787

Hospital Authority ( HA) when you got sick, you may attend private clinic or hospital out-patient department. If you are serious ill, go to accident and emergency. If you are suffering critical sick such as cancer, you need a referal letter from private clinic. Health Services Department (HSD) is defferent from HA.

Auxiliary Medical Service ( AMS) : a uniformed serive that standing by on request, say, big out-door program , provides first aid.

Civil Aid Service (CAS) : a uniformed service to supply rescue job with Fire Service, They are expert in mountaineering. They also provide crew control service for big size program. When there are peaceful protest, they will be assistance to Police.

St John Ambulance : An international organization to supply first aid training and first aid service to public. Their training on first aid which those get the certificate means they are qulified to deliver treatment at first instance.
2008-01-06 12:21 am
2008-01-05 9:22 am
你自己打www.hkemergency.net and hk.geocities.com/stbadmedical 自然會解答到你問題

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