Do you consider it unwomanly for a woman to participate in body building?

2008-01-04 8:49 pm

回答 (15)

2008-01-08 7:56 pm
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If a bit
參考: rYuiChi
2008-01-05 4:52 am
Only if she takes it too far and ends up looking like a Brick Sh*thouse.

The lack of boobs and the female frame looks really weird when they try to look like guys. A well defined muscular structure is fine, but not when taken to extremes.
2008-01-05 4:55 am
No. It's uncommon, but not unwomanly. You like what you like. Do what interests you.

It's also disappointing to see so many women on here a part of the queer community try to redefine what it means to be a woman based on one's hobby interest. I think anyone should body build if it makes them happy(one of my best friends' mom is a builder, she looks great). Comments like "it makes you ugly/i think participating women look ugly" are just simple minded opinions no different from the daily judgments all of us receive on the streets.

Since when should we be caring about what others think?
2008-01-05 4:55 am
Actually, a brick Sh*thouse is a compliment for a woman, means really stacked... anyway...
I agree with the above in that so long as a woman doesn't go so far as to lose her feminity and just look like a man. Muscular women are very attractive. I'm talking more the 'fitness model' look than the hulking She-man.
Some of those American Gladiator women are HOT!!
2008-01-05 4:56 am
No, what is the difinition of a man or a woman? Woman have ovaries and all that stuff, while men have testicles and all that stuff. Body building does not change this. Not that there is a problem with changing your sexuality.
2008-01-05 4:56 am
I don't think it unwomanly. It all depends on the woman. Some look good just being toned whereas some look good with ripped muscles.
2008-01-05 5:01 am
Only if she goes over board and her breast start to look hard like a mans pecks.
2008-01-05 4:57 am
I find extremely muscular women unattractive. But I don't think it's "unwomanly". If a woman wants to do that, good luck to her!
參考: oh purr
2008-01-05 5:38 am
Some female body builders look hideous, but it's not necessarily un-womanly. There's nothing wrong with a bit of muscular definition, but some of them go too far.
2008-01-05 5:04 am
If a woman wants to participate in body building, no one has the right to tell her it is wrong - we have too much of this in our society right now. There is a superb TV programme in the UK called "how to look good naked" - generally the women in this are not the size zero "ideals" that are on every billboard, magazine cover and TV ad. Some of these beautiful, curvy women feel that they are unfeminine because their ribs are visible.

I remember seeing a TV programme about a female body builder and felt that it was very biased. They made her out to be some kind of freak because of her sculpted and heavily defined physique. Admittedly, she didn't have the same sort of curves that our culture has come to regard as traditionally feminine, but the view of what is considered feminine changes every year. She seemed happy in herself, her boyfriend/husband seemed to love her and they were both happy with the way each other looked. The look of her body didn't mean she wasn't a woman. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
2008-01-05 4:57 am
any time i have to ask my wife to help me open the pickles i find it unwomanly ....

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