If you consider yourself physically active, what sports or exercises do you do?

2008-01-04 8:40 pm

回答 (7)

2008-01-04 8:48 pm
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Yeah, I do waterpolo everyday after school from 3-5:45. Its very intense and we dont waste any of the time in the pool.
2008-01-04 9:50 pm
winter track, soccer, running, weight lifting, and just being active like snowboarding, snowmobiling, atving, and skateboarding
2008-01-04 9:10 pm
4-5 hours of martial arts everyday Monday-Friday. And during the summer, it's 8 hours everyday Monday-Friday.
2008-01-04 8:48 pm
i ride my bike im in track and play hockey and exercise 5 days of the week rest on tuesday and friday
2008-01-04 8:48 pm
I bodybuild....... 5'11" 230lbs, 7%bf.
2008-01-04 8:43 pm
i ride my bike durring the summeer on a bike trail near my house an sometimes i olay football with my friends
2016-12-01 8:42 am
a million. go with your gender woman 2. Which age class do you fall into? sixteen – 33 3. How lively do you think approximately your self to be? no longer lively 4. On time-honored, what number days each and every week do you take part in sporting events? None 2-3 days 5. Are you presently a member of a wellbeing facility? sure 6. while you're lively, please checklist a million, 2, or 3 sporting events you maximum many times take part in: a million. Zumba 2. cardio Kickboxing 3. table certain bike 7. Do you presently take nutritional supplementations? (Ex: supplementations, minerals, herbals, and so on.) No 8. How could you fee your usual state of wellbeing? solid 9. fee your rigidity point - a million being rigidity loose and 5 being rather under pressure 5 10. How do you experience on the subject of the assertion “actual wellbeing reduces rigidity?” rather disagree 11. After engaging in sporting events, do you end as much as be in a much better temper? sure 12. After engaging in sporting events, do you finally end up greater energized? No 13. How do you experience on the subject of the assertion “actual wellbeing delays ailment?” Neither agree nor disagree 14. How annoying do you experience throughout a common day? reasonably annoying 15. Do you notice a distinction on your rigidity when you take part in any form of exact pastime? No sixteen. How depressed do you experience throughout a common day? under no circumstances 17. Do you notice a distinction on your melancholy ranges when you take part in any form of exact pastime? sure 18. in case you replied ‘sure’ to fifteen or 17, how do you establish this? I each and every from time to time in basic terms experience greater upbeat and unsleeping. I won't experience as down or annoying. 19. What are your motives for work out? (verify all that word) For relaxing to stay fit to decrease rigidity/ rigidity to stay away from wellbeing issues to help modern scientific issues 20. Do you do something besides work out to regulate your wellbeing? No

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