英文的大吉利是?! .................

2008-01-05 6:51 am
如題, 英文的大大吉利是除了touch wood 外, 還有其他正統D的說法嗎?

回答 (4)

2008-01-12 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢個問題唔錯, 幾有趣喎~ 哈哈...

大吉利是除左有較常講的touch wood外,

1. Holy Lord!
(變化句可以是Holy Jesus! , Holy Crap!, Holy Shit! 等等...)

2. Oh my god!

3. Gosh!!! / Oh my gosh!
(=Oh my god 的另一版本, 不過無用到god字, 所以較容易令人接受)

4. My Goodness! / Oh my goodness!

5. Holy moly!!!

記住, Holy Crap 或者Holy Shit 對於某些外國人來講, 可以算係幾粗俗;
而基督徒係非常唔鍾意聽到Holy Lord , Holy Jesus, 或者Oh my god!...

2008-01-11 23:24:44 補充:
希望幫到你~ ^.^

2008-01-13 17:02:11 補充:
原來Yahoo! 知識會自動隱藏粗口, 無辦法啦, 唯有用呢個方法講多次啦~ 打星的地方是S_h_i_t 。
2008-01-09 1:26 am
『knock on wood』

Touching wood is also a superstition practiced to ensure safety and good fortune at the start of a day or activity. Athletes and actors are among two of the professions that practice this superstition to increase the good luck they will have in their upcoming game or show.
2008-01-06 5:04 am
bless you!
2008-01-05 10:01 am
Goodness gracious me

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