
2008-01-05 5:32 am
Both alloy A and alloy B are composed of chopper and silver. 65%of alloy A and 60% of alloy B by weight are silver. Alloy C is made from alloy A & B.

How much alloy A and B are needed to make alloy C of 1200g and of 62% silver by weight?


回答 (2)

2008-01-05 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let x be the amount of Alloy A needed,
therefore, the amount of Alloy B needed is (1200-x).


Therefore the amount of Alloy A needed is 480g.//

Because of x=480,
Therefore the amount of Alloy B needed is 1200-480=720g.//
2008-01-05 7:48 am
Given that alloy C is made by X% of alloy A and Y% of alloy B.

Equation 1:
65%*X + 60%*Y = 62%
0.65X + 0.6Y = 0.62

Equation 2:
X + Y = 100% (Because of X% of alloy A + Y% of alloy B = 100% of alloy C)
X + Y = 1
X = 1 - Y

Put Equation 2 into Equation 1
0.65(1 - Y) + 0.6Y = 0.62
0.65 - 0.65Y + 0.6Y = 0.62
0.05Y = 0.03
Y = 3/5

X = 1 - Y
X = 1 - (3/5)
X = 2/5

Put the percentage to the weight
Weight of alloy A
= 1200 * X
= 1200 * 2/5
= 480g

Weight of alloy B
= 1200 * Y
= 1200 * 3/5
= 720g
參考: Me

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