
2008-01-05 4:57 am
我唔知How to 寫。幫幫手!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2008-01-05 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Form One Discretionary Places Entry Application 2007

Dear Principal,

We would like to apply for the Secondary One Discretionary Places entry 2007 at your school for our son (YOUR NAME)

(YOUR NAME) is currently studying at (YOUR SCHOOL)Primary School. He is a gifted child functioning at a superior range of intelligence at I.Q. 130 score. His academic standard is reasonably high. With good, balanced participation in different extra-curricular activities inside and outside school, he has keen interest in football and tennis. He has attended different types of camps to experience different challenges in outdoor activities.

To provide more information on (YOUR NAME)character and achievements, we attach a booklet containing certificates, testimonials, reports and recommendation letters for your reference. The application form is duly completed and enclosed.

We wish our application would receive favorable consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Mr and Mrs

( Parents Name)
2008-01-05 8:26 am
1. 名
2. 性別
3. 幾多歲
4. 興趣
5. 有乜課外活動
6. 曾有過什麼獎狀
7. 有無做義工?
8. 爸媽既職業

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:21:43
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