~急~唔該各位仁兄help me!!!

2008-01-05 3:54 am
如題:Is sex education important?(用英文作)

回答 (2)

2008-01-05 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
for me i'll say:
"Nowadays,Does all the people know well about sex??
Do teenagers really understand the reality of sex?"
then elaborate:
"For me ,i think the answer is NO
Therefore, Sex education is important"(Bring out the topic by asking about sex )

In the first place(=firstly),
recentlythere is an unfortunate case about a16-years old girl being pregnent,after giving birth to a baby,soon she throw the baby on to the street,(give evidence to tell your point why it is important)
it shows that the teenagers have no correct ideas about sex,for instance,they should use condom when having sex,then can avoid from pregnent and some sex diseases.

Besides,their concept of having sex relationship is really poor.
Most of the people thinks that it is exciting and funny to try so,and even don't know the consequnce of it.When there is a problem,they will become in a dilemma that to tackle the problem in what ways,,,

>>>here i have gave you some points for reference,i hope u will find the above suggestions useful and i 'm convinces that u can do well if u prepare well=]
參考: MYSElf^^
2008-01-05 4:19 am
is sex education important (for us)? Sex is one of the need for human beings. Sex is also a sensitive subject in some cultures. Due to some cultural differences, some of us avoid to talk about sex. HOWEVER, sex is a part of human's life that no one can avoid from. While sex is a human's need, sex education is extremly important. Nowadays, many teenagers and young adults do not have enough knowledge about sex. Lacks of sex knowledge would cause youth confusions about sex. First ,sex education provides correct information for people, especially for youth. Second, sex education also acknowledge people about safe-sex and sexual diseses, such as HIV. Sex education is important in our society. It corrects people with any wrong knowledge about sex and also can protects youth from pregnacy.
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:33:08
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