ipod viedo 同步出錯 *

2008-01-05 2:23 am
我放左好多 mv 想同步 *
全步都 o係 quick time 睇到咖 !
但係一同步佢就話不支援其音訊或視訊格式 *
到底佢係用邊隻檔案先開到咖 !

用左你個方法呀 ,, 但係呢 * o係 itunes 同埋 ipod 播呢 .. 都係首歌就好順暢 .. 但係停下停下咁咖 wor ...

回答 (1)

2008-01-05 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
iPod plays MEPG-4 format.

don't if you have transferred the video to itune already, if yes, high the selected video; right click; select "convert selection for ipod/iphone". then itune will convert the video to a readable format, but it consumes quite a lot of time.

otherwise, see if below software can help you to convert the movie to iPod readable format la.


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