Flash Player問題

2008-01-05 1:27 am
我知道Flash Player既官網,不過唔知按邊個下載,邊個可以講個步驟比我?http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash

回答 (3)

2008-01-05 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 去到http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash

2. 在"I agree to the Adobe Flash Player Terms of Service." 的方格內打tick
3. Press "Install now"
4. 在"按這裡安裝下列ActiveX控制項: 來自'Adobe systems incorporated'的'adobe flash player installer' 這句按一下, 選取'安裝activex控制項
5. 等電腦安裝, 當flash player安裝完會顯示"Adobe flash player successfully instead"的動畫
參考: myself
2008-01-07 6:54 pm
New~Flash Player 9 直接Download:
http://www.badongo.c om/cn/file/7165348

參考: 未經本人書面許可,不得複製本人任何,所有的回答內容
2008-01-05 4:36 am
1. 首先你要知你有管理員的權限 , 再去你o個個網站
2. 睇下你要唔要 google toolbar , 自己諗打唔打tick , 在 I agree to the Adobe Flash Player Terms of Service. 方格打tick
3. 按 Install now
4. 跟據你的瀏覽器設定 , 可能會有 ( 一個安全性警告 , 按 安裝 ) and / or ( 按 按這裡安裝下列ActiveX控制項: 來自'Adobe'的'adobe flash player 9' , 選 安裝activex控制項 )
5. 等電腦安裝, 當flash player安裝完會顯示"Adobe flash player successfully instead"的動畫

英文版 :
1. Installation of Adobe Flash Player may require administrative access to your PC, which is normally provided by your IT department. It is recommended that you close all other open browser windows before continuing with the installation.
2. Click the Install Now button to automatically download and install Adobe Flash Player into Microsoft Internet Explorer.
3. Depending on your security settings, you may see a Security Warning dialog box. Click Install to install the ActiveX control.
4. When the installation is complete, you will see the Adobe Flash Player logo and text.
參考: 105% from me

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