
2008-01-04 9:59 pm

回答 (3)

2008-01-04 10:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First start from simple steps:

1) Bring a plastic bag or recycle bag inside your handbag, so everytime while you going out and want to do shopping you are no need requested more bags.

2) Take one of recycle bags and put in a fixed place at your home and informed family members that bag is collection for waste paper products, and you periodically remove those waste paper to your buildings' waste paper collectin box, becasue for the time being HK cannot compare with other environmental concern conntry, i.e that will have recycle paper / recycle tin collection day in per week basic or bi-weekly basis, all the citizen would put their waste paper out of door will be OK.

3) Building or property developer should have "Bone breaker", it is a kind of machine somewhere behind the basin in the kitchen, it is used for those fish bone or meat bone can pour inside just press the button it can break those bone into pieces or powder, I suppose it has a channel to farmland for "organic farmland" purpose.

However the most problem the food / fruit / vegetable has a lot of over weight chemical substance inside, so I think it is a right way to launch this facility in HK at the moment.

4) Drop down the environmetnal protection department phone no. and report those eject posion gas's buses, public transport utility or private cars' no. and report to relevant department, or simply put this phone no. in your mobile memory card for immediate reporting purpose.

5) The other blank side's paper ( a piece of paper cannot be used for both side) can used for rough work paper, or divide in 4 portions as mini notebook.

6) Turn off the light at home, that we are not used.

* Have a better environmental life quality is everyone's responsibility, honest speaking HK compare with other developed country is very very late to start with this.
2008-01-05 6:23 am

走向綠色生活 共創美好環境

* 以《綠色香港 我鍾意!》為主題製作一系列電視宣傳短片及電台宣傳聲帶,包括一套主題創作及四套環繞「衣食住行」這四個日常生活基本環節的宣傳短片及聲帶,協助市民更了解切身的環保問題,並盡早採取相應行動。
* 網上電腦遊戲以一個家庭內六名成員的生活情況為主題,分化成多個遊戲項目,讓市民明白廢物數量日增產生的問題,以及如何透過減少廢物、循環再用,合力將廢物問題解決。附有電腦遊戲及環保資訊的光碟,將分發至學校、青年中心、長者中心及民政事務處,亦會上載至網上電腦遊戲的專題網頁(www.swmgame.org)。
* 減少廢物的專題網頁(www.wastereduction.gov.hk)可為市民提供有關減少廢物、處理及循環再造的一站式資訊,同時提供平台讓登記用戶把有用物品捐出或進行交換,以及分享減少廢物的心得。
* 其他活動包括展覽及路演;向學校及其他團體分發電子海報,推廣環保信息;以及環境及自然保育基金資助的教育活動。

2008-01-04 10:38 pm
1) 愛護花草樹木
2) 盡量使用可循環再造的物品
3) 節約能源: 例如: 紙, 水, 電, 媒
4) 避免使用影响大氣層的化學產品
5) 汽車應改善設計, 例如: 以大陽能或其他方法代替媒或石油

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