點解呢句句子的wine有s ge ?

2008-01-04 8:17 am
Brandy is the best among all wines.
wine 不是不可數的嗎 ?
同樣地 :
我可5可以寫 : Chinese rice is the best among all rices.

背後有咩grammar supports?

回答 (2)

2008-01-04 2:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wine 其實可以是 uncountable noun 也可以是 countable noun.

When an uncountable noun is used to classify something (分類), it can be treated as a countable noun. 意思上亦有少許不同. 其他例子包括 lights/light, experiences/experience, fish/fishes, a hair/hair, cake/cakes, wine/wines
記住名詞前或需要配上正確的 articles (a, an, the)

E.g. 以下句子全都正確,
I want a coffee.
Give me two coffees.
I love some coffee.
I love coffee.
I would like a cup of coffee.

There are many French wines.
I like wine.
Brandy is the best among all wines. 在所有酒(的種類)之中最好的. Brandy 是酒的一種.

She has many experiences.
She has experience in accounting.
She has some experience in accounting.

Chinese rice is the best among all rices. 文法上是正確的.
2008-01-04 8:27 am
但Brandy is the best among all wines. 這句中的wines是指所有酒的總類,例如: Brandy,威士忌,....之類,所以是可數名詞.

參考: 出自我對英語語法的印象

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