If you were to invent a new word, what might that be? What does it mean?

2008-01-03 5:40 pm
New words were invented from time to time to keep pace with changing times. For example, the words "ipod" and "iphone" did not exist when I was a kid.

回答 (2)

2008-01-03 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm writing a book about marriage in the Bible, and I couldn't find a single word for cousin marriages. Incest is too restrictive and endogamy is too broad. So I made up the word "consanguinogamy." It means marriage to close relatives outside of the immediate family. Anthrobase liked it enough to include it in their dictionary of anthropology. -yk
2008-01-03 6:00 pm
I invent new words every now and then, whenever the situation arises. Then I start using the word in conversation, so my friends start using it too, and then I submit it to www.urbandictionary.com. If the word is approved, it goes on the website and I enter etymological history once again!

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