How would you react when somebody calls you "fatso"?

2008-01-03 4:35 pm

回答 (45)

2008-01-03 4:49 pm
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Well, I'm 5'5" and 115 lbs so I'd probably just laugh.
2008-01-03 4:38 pm
I would laugh in their face. They're pretty pathetic if the best insult they can muster is "fatso."
2008-01-03 4:38 pm
I would not take it personally but take it as a challenge. I would start going the gym and eating more healthy. Then say in a few months when you see the person again, they will not be able to say, and the egg will be on their face!
2008-01-03 4:41 pm
That is an easy one for me. My ex use to call our daughter fat, and I divorced him. Period. I cannot stand people putting others down. It makes them feel better, but destroys our confidence. They need serious help. No one deserves to be called names. But, like I said I got away from the situation fast, and was the best decision ever. But ignore it. It is best not to fester back at someone like that, as they love a good fight. Good luck, and I am sorry if someone said that to you.
2008-01-03 4:40 pm
I just laugh at them & tell them to look in the mirror.


I tell them. "At least I can lose the weight." " You cant change the uglyness of your Face, Can U?"

Then I'll walk away from them or ignore them completely.
參考: I am overweight myself & had all the name calling theown at me & ignore them all.
2008-01-03 4:40 pm
I would burst into tears as my fragile self esteem would be irreparably shattered, run straight home and contemplate suicide. Either that or I would completely blow them off. I'm too old to give a crap about what anyone says.
2008-01-03 4:40 pm
I would personally feel very paranoid - i am only a 12 but i at times feel fat and if someone would put me down or call me fatso.
Its very hurtful.
2008-01-03 4:39 pm
Assuming this is before the barrel of the pistol is stuffed into their mouth and the hammer is pulled back right?
2008-01-03 4:39 pm
Get my fat-*** into the gym and get in shape...ala Sean Micheal Scott in Mr. whatever the movie just was...
2008-01-03 4:39 pm
smile and be like "yeah and.. youre ugly (:" then walk away or if you cant walk away ignore them.. dont show them you care!

people used to make fun of my brother and i told him that and it works..

violence isnt the answer.. most people would hit someone for saying that!

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