Crude oil price just hit $100 a barrel. When do you predict gas price will hit $4 a gallon?

2008-01-03 4:19 pm

回答 (18)

2008-01-03 4:40 pm
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thats cheap,,,,in the UK its more
2008-01-03 4:28 pm
On the news they said we should see $4 a gallon by this Feb... I think we might see it before the end of this month due in large part to all the trouble in Africa and this current cold snap
2008-01-03 4:23 pm
Well as $4 is about £2 (sterling) not long as We in the U.K all ready pay £1.02 a litre thats over $8 a gallon.
2008-01-03 4:21 pm
in 2009
2008-01-04 1:01 am
In about 6 weeks or so if it stays around $100 a barrel for a while. Every $1 a barrel is about 4 cents a gallon at the pump. It takes time to transport the crude oil from the well to the refinery to be processed.
2008-01-03 4:49 pm
The local TV stations, ( Cleveland area) predict the price to hit $4.00 about May of this year, and average at that price sometime late this year.
And since we don't live in the UK, I could care less about what you pay as it doesn't affect my budget one bit.
Our living conditions and access to oil are completely different.
2008-01-03 4:30 pm
Early summer or late spring! I see another Huge record profit coming for the oil industry, at the expense of an economic recession.
2008-01-03 4:23 pm
By November of 2008
2008-01-03 4:22 pm
5 days
2008-01-03 4:58 pm
Assuming we dont go into a recession, which would cause the price to fall, or there is a major geopolitical event that causes it to jump, then there is a good chance it could hit $4 in the late Spring or early summer as the peak driving season begins.

However, there is also a case to be made that the underlying supply and demand for oil in the intermeadiate time period sets a price about $60 a barrel, and it is just investor speculation, and global unrest that has caused the rest. It would also help if drilling restrictions were removed.

P.S. dont listen to anyone on here or elsewher who obviously doesnt understand economics and thinks that prices are magically set by someone in the government, a corporation, or simply out of thin air.
2008-01-03 4:33 pm
In 2009' You see, the oil prices aren't really being manipulated by turning trends of any kind, they are simply deciding each quarter what they think they will be able to get away with. The American people are intellegent enough to understand that this is more about big business fleecing their pockets than companies having to fight to keep oil available to the consumers. The U.S. does not need foreign oil any more than we need foreign water. So, we have big oil companies milking the people of all the money. Two other important factors that remain there are, 1st) the people only make so much money, they can't put it all in the tanks! 2nd) There ae other merchants that need to make money as weel! With the oil giants fleecing the wallets of the American people so hard they hardly have money left to spend in the stores! The merchants simply can not stand for that. These are the simple factors that will slow the rise of the oil prices at the pumps, but nothing will stop them from screwing us to death! Even if they raise the prices sky high for a peroid of 30 to 90 days, they will still PROFIT BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE & LEAVE US FEELING LUCKY THAT THE PRICES DID NOT STAY WHERE THEY WERE! This country is headed for a revolution if things do not change quickly!!! Big business & big government are simply out of control!!! It's way past time for a stop to be put to it!!! The people will come to light soon!!!

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