Euthanasia of Pets..Believe or not believe in it?????

2008-01-03 12:05 pm
I just took a friend who has cancer and his dog to the vet yesterday,to have his 11 year old dog with cancer put down.My friend is 51,and in the middle of chemo treatments himself.The dog,an 80 lb mix,had inoperable throat cancer,a large,softball size cancer tumor that just busted open yesterday morning.The dog hasn't eaten or had use of his hind legs sice Friday.I actually told him I thought it was time to say goodbye to Caesar.He agreed.I ended up being the one sitting on the floor of the vets,holding Caesars head to say goodbye,and crying my eyes out.I truly believe this was the correct thing to do for Caesar.Do you?

OK,I find myself sitting here crying again after reading all the gracious responses from everyone.thank you from the bottom of my heart,And I;m sure,Caesar is looking down on you all for easing my pain.


And in reality,the legal owner of Caesar was my friends 86 year old mother.Shirking responsibility one says?I think not.How about praying for a miracle for her son and her dog?The dog was eating and mobile until Friday!

回答 (25)

2008-01-03 12:09 pm
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To stop a dogs suffering is the greatest sign of love for the animal.
2008-01-03 8:08 pm
i think that its more cruel to let a dog live who is in deep pain and suffering. so yes i think he did the right thing.
2008-01-03 10:22 pm
I definitely believe in euthanasia of pets. After all that a dog has given you in its many years, to insist that he continue to suffer just so you can continue to enjoy his presence would be a very selfish thing.

Godspeed Caesar.

This is not particularly relevant to the question but it is a poem that has been posted in the memorial section of a dog forum I post at. Hope it will remind your friend that Caesar is not suffering anymore, and will never truly leave him, but is watching over him in the little things all around.

Indian Prayer

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in morning hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there. I did not die.
2008-01-03 8:25 pm
of course honey and it was soooooo kind of you to sit there with him till he passed. If you could not eat or walk what woudl you want?? You would have to think to that dogs do not have the luxury a human would have like a wheelchair to help get around and feeding tubes, luxury hey???? It was a very sad moment but it was the best thing for Caesar
2008-01-03 8:21 pm
It is the kindest thing you could have done, especially considering our furry friends can not tell us when they are in pain and have had enough.
2008-01-03 8:15 pm
I believe sending all living things to a peaceful place if they are terminally ill, especially if there is a lot of pain involved. (I know several people that is terminal and would love to have a peaceful send off). I guess my answer is, Yes I believe in euthanasia.
2008-01-03 8:14 pm
Absolutely. Animals don't understand why they are suffering just that they are suffering and want it to end. If I were in the situation this dog were in I would be asking for someone to help me to end it.
2008-01-03 8:10 pm
I agree, I had to have our beloved Jack Russell put down three years ago, he had lost the use of his legs, could not even eat his dinner without help, he was so unhappy. Like you I cried my eyes out.
2008-01-03 8:10 pm
I agree with Euthanasia,its the last thing that we can do for our animals after the love they give us!
I has to take the same decision with my last border collie at only six she got cancer & not once have a regretted putting her to sleep,i refused to watch her suffer.
Good for you for helping out your friend:)
2008-01-03 8:14 pm
Yes, it definitely is the kindest thing to do for all.

I inherited my Moms cat 9 years ago. And last year at 16 1/2 he had developed a cancerous tumor and stopped eating, so it was time.

You are truly a great friend. God Bless.
2008-01-04 1:21 am
I am so sorry for your loss. Having been in the situation where I had my dog put to sleep, I have mixed feelings.
My beloved, energetic Tina just went lethargic, barely ate, and was clearly having pain and trouble breathing. I was devastated. I took her to the vet who was not able to figure out what was wrong and said to try something, come back in a couple of days. I did, Tina was worse. She then did more tests and discovered that my beloved had a massive tumor invading both heart and lungs. I asked if there were any treatment possible and she said if Tina survived the surgery she could get about 6 more months of life. Knowing what heart surgery is like--that would be about the time she'd take to "recover" from having her chest split open. It was not an option.

With my father and brother, I decided to have my beloved put to sleep. It is something that haunts me to this day because she was such a magnificent soul. I now wonder if I should have done that or should I have asked for strong pain meds for her and let her pass naturally in my arms at home? I don't know.

What I DO know is she would have died within a week. She was suffering. There was no realistic treatment for her. I spent a HUGE sum trying to get her well so I was not "economizing" on her life. No one could have ever loved her more than I and I was trying to save her additional pain.

The more I think of it, however, the more I think now I would have preferred to have thought of something NEVER suggested to me--the pain meds and just let her pass naturally in my arms. I still remember the look on her face when she realized what I had done.

It's six and half years and I am still not over it. I try to concentrate on her life--my adopting her kept her from death (her owners were taking her in 2 hours to be euthanized) and I gave her nothing but love and she was my beloved angel. I know she forgives me because she knows I did what I thought at the time the best for her. I regret even spending 5 minutes less with her than I could have.

I felt she wanted me to get another dog--and we went to the shelter and did so 8 days later. I love Max, but he is no replacement for my Tina as she was no replacement for our first dog, Princess (who was also a rescued dog). I pray he'll pass on his own one night because I don't know if I could survive facing this decision again.

To be honest, so much pain so long after, makes me feel it was not the right decision. But if she had continued to suffer, I would have agonized over that as well. The worst pain is watching pain of one you love.

I don't think we CAN know if this is right or wrong, but I do know that when the love is there, even if it's a mistake that that counts. I want to focus on her wonderful life and try to view her death as little as I can.

I guess my message is this: many of us can identify with your pain and many of us certainly have doubts about our decision. The loss of love is excruciating no matter how it comes to pass.
2008-01-04 12:02 am
Poor dog, but now he don't suffer anymore, I KNOW you did the right thing. If you would let the dog suffer, that would be horrible!
2008-01-03 9:21 pm
The decision to put a dog to sleep is one of the most painful decisions an owner can make. However, it is also one of the most selfless and loving. You make this choice - not for you - but for your canine friend.

I had to put my 15 yo fur baby to sleep 2 years ago. After all those years of friendship, it was time for me to step up in one last act of friendship to him. He went to the Rainbow Bridge with the person he loves most in the world petting him and telling him how much he was loved. It was incredibly peaceful. I am so thankful that I was able to be with him. He did not pass alone while I was at work. He knew he was loved.

I am so sorry your friend had to make the decision. Especially when they were fighting similar enemies.
2008-01-03 9:04 pm
Your'e a true friend to both the owners and the dog itself, it was the best thing you could do.
2008-01-03 8:42 pm
I believe you did the right thing. That poor dog had a poor quality of life, was probably in a lot of pain, and no chance for recovery! It is unfair and abusive, when an animal reaches that point, and they are not put down! I think it was time for him, to be put out of his pain and suffering. It's a very hard and heartbreaking decision, to have to make, but sometimes that's the only way, in a situation like this, to show your pet, that you really do love them, and want them to be at peace, is by having to let go of them! My Condolences to you and your friend!
2008-01-03 8:30 pm
I'm not sure I understand how anyone could be against putting a suffering creature out of its misery. I don't think it can be a question of "believing" in it or not. It was the only right thing to do in the circumstances. Inoperable, incureable, pain-ridden diseases should not be left to fester.

My heart goes out to you and your friend.
2008-01-03 8:27 pm
it is one of the hardest thinks to do when you love your pet, I have had several pets in my life and I have had to make that decision 3 times each time I mourned them, but I know in my heart I did the best thing for them. I will always have a place in my heart for them. It is very peaceful for them they just go to sleep. You did do the right thing it is a final act of love.
2008-01-03 8:19 pm
Yes you did the correct thing, and good on you for being with him and comforting him at the end.
Doing the right thing by our animals in this way is very hard on us. we end their suffering but start our own type of pain. A truly selfless thing to do in an otherwise selfish world.
2008-01-03 8:12 pm
It was absolutely the right thing to do. Euthanasia is the last final unselfish and loving gift that you can give a pet that is suffering after so many years of unconditional love and devotion. Now the dear pet is no longer suffering and at peace.

Here is a link that you may want to pass on to your friend. It was very comforting when I had to put my beloved dog to rest.

My condolences to your friend on their loss. It is never an easy thing to do.
2008-01-03 8:12 pm
under the circumstances, it was the ONLY thing to do. its hard, i know, and you must be a very compassionate person, to hold caesar and say goodbye. but the right thing was done.
2008-01-03 8:10 pm
YES YES YES, sometimes i think we have kinder options for our animals than for our human companions.
2008-01-03 8:09 pm
yes i do...i dont believe neither people or pets should suffer beyond what they should, and when the case is that bad i think they should be put down as soon as possible as an act of love. But i dont agree when dogs are put down just bc people dont want them
2008-01-03 8:09 pm
Well it probably was the right thing to do because he was obviously in pain but its always sad to see such a cute dog die..:'(

ps: When I was like 6 year old a animal doctor put my cat to sleep because of some sickness so I know how you feel it was so horrable..:'(
2008-01-03 8:09 pm
it's always sad when a pet is in pain and you can't help it with stuff like that it was the right thing to do
2008-01-03 8:17 pm

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