
2008-01-04 6:43 am
Why do you choose this school?
What place do you like to travel?
Do you like you primary school?
What is mean by scholarship?
Have you join the love walk?
What do you think of our school principal?

回答 (4)

2008-01-05 2:12 am
若果遇到唔識聽的問題,應該SAY:Sorry I don't understand / Pardon?

Why do you choose this school?
Because this school has a good record.And the environment is good.

What place do you like to travel?
China.Because i am a Chinese and......

Do you like you primary school?

What is mean by scholarship?
Don't know.

Have you join the love walk?
Tell the truth.

What do you think of our school principal?
Everyone is different.
參考: me
2008-01-04 7:12 am
若果遇到唔識聽的問題,你可以說Sorry I don't understand.Can you parden(對不起,我不明白你說甚麼,你可不可以重覆

1.I choose this school because I think that this school is necessary for me,there are many activities in this school and I heard the childrens in this school are good and the teachers in this school are kind.(我選擇這間學校,因為我覺得這間學校很適合我。因為貴校有很多活動,而且我聽聞貴校的學生非常出色和貴校的老師非常友善)

2.I want to travel Egypt because I want to visit the Sphinx.(我想到埃及旅遊,因為我想參觀獅身人像)

3.I like my secondy school because I had many good friends in my primary school.(我喜歡我的小學,因為我有許多好朋友在小學)

4.It means learning and knowledge.(即是學問和知識)

5.Yes,of couse,I always join it.I join public welfare fund.it was a unforgettable experience(當然有,我很喜歡參與這些活動,我參與過曾益金,那是一個難忘的經驗)

6.I think your principal is kind because I heard many people said your principal are good to the students.(我想貴校的校長是友善的,因為我聽聞校長對學生很好)
2008-01-04 7:00 am
why do you choose this school
答:i choose this school,because.....

what place do you like to travel?
答:i like go to ......

what do you think of our school principal?
答:i think our shool principal very best,because.....
參考: me!^^
2008-01-04 6:50 am
若果遇到唔識聽的問題, 可以說:

Sorry that I can't quite catch your question. Could you repeat that, please? \\

Sorry that I can't quite understand your question. Could you explain that, please?

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