用英文表達時間既a.m. & p.m.,長寫是什麼???

2008-01-04 5:20 am
用英文表達時間既a.m. & p.m.,長寫是什麼???
ThX ( > 3 < )

回答 (4)

2008-01-04 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
a.m.=ante meridiem(=before noon) 上午
p.m.=post meridiem 下午

2008-01-03 21:33:09 補充:

2008-01-03 21:45:05 補充:
ante是表示:在前,早於的意思;其實英文,也有用這字為字首,表示”在前”的意思,如:antechamber(前廳);又如關係代名詞的前行詞,就叫做”antecedent”而post是表示:在後,後的意思;如post doc就是”博士後”,而post cold war就是”冷戰之後”,post traumatic stress disorder就是”受傷後緊張症”其實英文是受到拉丁文影響很大

2008-01-03 21:45:48 補充:

2008-01-03 21:52:29 補充:
2008-01-04 3:11 pm
a.m. - ante meridiem (from Latin, meaning "before mid day", or "before the middle of the day")
p.m. - post meridiem (from Latin, meaning "after mid day" or "after the middle of the day").


When you write it, remember there have to be full stops.
2008-01-04 5:32 am
a.m. =ante meridiem(=before noon) 上午其實係可以用in the morning

eg:i go to school in the morning.

p.m.=post meridiem 下午..其實可以用at the afternoon

e.g:i have a competition at the afternoon
2008-01-04 5:31 am
p.m. =post meridiem 下午
a.m. =ante meridiem(=before noon) 上午

參考: yahoo 字典

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