有沒有一些eng newspaper係about 火災.? 急!!! 急!!! 急!!!

2008-01-04 4:17 am
聽日要交hw喇.pls.who can help me?? 唔洗答得太好,我只係中3..thx!but 沒有........請可以幫我 作一篇文..題目...謝謝你唔該哂@@ 啊!!!唔該哂@@ 唔該哂@@ 唔該哂@@ 唔該哂@@

回答 (2)

2008-01-04 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Careless sweepers spark 83 blazes during red alert
(STANDARD) 10月 20日 星期六 05:30AM

Firemen were Friday night still fighting a 2,000-meter-long "fire dragon" in the hills of Fung Kat Heung, Kam Tin. The blaze began at 4.34pm.

It was one of 83 hill fires recorded on Friday as Hongkongers paid homage to the dead in the Chung Yeung Festival - 14 fires more than during last year's festival.

Many of the fires are believed to have been caused by joss sticks and burned paper offerings carelessly left behind by grave sweepers.

Fires burned down more than 24 hectares of woodland, equivalent in size to about 570 basketball courts.

A fire in Po Sam Pai, Tai Po, was the most vigorous. It started at 10am and took seven hours to extinguish, after destroying woodland measuring 200 meters by 300 meters.

A Shek Mun Kap, Tung Chung, fire covering an area of 250m by 200m lasted nearly four hours.

The Government Flying Service had all its helicopters on duty and dropped more than 140 water bombs to assist firemen.

The Fire Department said the terrain and the low relative humidity made extinguishing the fires difficult. The relative humidity was 41 percent on Friday due to northeast monsoon winds, and a red fire danger warning was issued.

Parts of Wo Hop Shek Cemetery in Fan Ling were closed for an hour because of a nearby fire.

A fireman suffered a leg injury while fighting a 200-meter-long "fire dragon" in San Uk Ling, Sheung Shui. He was sent to North District Hospital for treatment.

Environmental protection group Conservancy Association joined forces with the Fire Department and the Scout Association of Hong Kong to patrol more than 20 blackspots to promote hill fire awareness. A similar campaign was carried out by the Conservancy Association during the Ching Ming Festival in April, and no fires were reported then.

But group chief executive Lister Cheung Lai- ping said very dry weather on Friday made their task more difficult.

"After a lot of rain in the summer the grass grew really fast. It has now dried due to the weather so it catches fire very easily," she said.

Volunteers were to continue to patrol grave sites on Saturday and Sunday.

Cheung reminded grave sweepers to take with them bins for burning and water to put out fires. "Grave sweepers should know it is their responsibility to prevent hill fires. Many forget it is a criminal offense to cause fires," Cheung said.

Friends of the Earth encouraged the public to burn fewer joss sticks and paper offerings where possible.

"We talked to some Taoists and Buddhists and they agreed sincerity is more important than what you burn when it comes to paying respects to your ancestors," said environmental affairs manager Hahn Chu Hon-keung.

"Burning papers is more of a tradition than a religious act."

Some sweepers complained about having to walk long distances because of the Transport Department's traffic arrangements.

The access road leading to Tseung Kwan O Chinese Permanent Cemetery was closed to vehicular traffic all day on Friday. It was to remain closed from 5am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday.

As of 5pm Friday, more than 146,600 people had left Hong Kong through Lo Wu to spend the three-day holiday in the mainland.

Around 64,000 came to Hong Kong from the mainland.
2008-01-04 4:23 am
位於倫敦 市中心著名的皇家馬斯頓醫院周三下午發生火災,醫院樓頂被全部燒毀,醫院上空濃煙滾滾。





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